domingo, 31 de julio de 2022

¿Aspira ISRAEL a crear y LIDERAR una OTAN ÁRABE? - VisualPolitik

As the Holocaust raged, US newspapers buried reports on Hitler’s Final Solution

In a new book, scholar Rafael Medoff shows how outlets downplayed news of the genocide until late 1943, as FDR’s government and even Jewish leaders felt little pressure to act.

Ponary, Lithuania, Jews digging a trench in which they were later buried after being shot (Yad Vashem)

On June 29, 1942, the Chicago Daily Tribune devoted one paragraph to Germany’s “Final Solution” in Europe:

“The British section of the World Jewish Congress estimated today that more than 1,000,000 Jews have been killed or have died as the result of ill treatment in countries dominated by Germany,” read an Associated Press brief on page six.

13 essential Ladino words and phrases

There’s no Duolingo course on Ladino yet. Until then, here are some must-know sayings!

In this photograph taken on December 8, 2019, 30 year-old Can Evrensel Rodrik who was taught Judeo-Spanish when he was a child by his grandmother, shows a book written in Judeo-Spanish during an interview with AFP in Istanbul. - In an attempt to save this pillar of the identity of the Jewish community in Turkey, the largest in the Muslim world with 15,000 members, a handful of resistance fighters are fighting a fight that seems lost in advance. Mixture of medieval Castilian, Hebrew and other languages such as Turkish, Arabic and Greek, Judeo-Spanish, also called Ladino, was born after the expulsion of the Jews from Spain in 1492 who mainly dispersed in the Ottoman Empire. (Photo by OZAN KOSE/AFP via Getty Images)

Ladino, also known as Judeo-Spanish, is the written and spoken language of Jews who originated from the Iberian Peninsula (Spain and Portugal). The language originally developed from Medieval Spanish blended with elements of Hebrew and Aramaic.

martes, 26 de julio de 2022

Lebanese Maronite patriarch calls for 'final solution' for Palestinian refugees

The patriarch stressed that "everyone" has disavowed the Palestinian demand for a "right of return."

Demonstrators gather during a protest to express solidarity with the Palestinian people, in Adaisseh village near the Lebanese-Israeli border, southern Lebanon May 15, 2021.   (photo credit: AZIZ TAHER/REUTERS)

Lebanon's Maronite Patriarch Bechara Boutros al-Rahi called on Saturday for the deportation and resettlement of Palestinian refugees with the help of the international community, stressing that Lebanon must consider its own national interests.

"We are with you, dear brothers, and we call on the international community to relieve Lebanon, which is exhausted economically and living difficultly, by finding a

Jordan, Saudi Arabia support efforts to prevent a nuclear Iran

The two countries expressed support for Arab efforts to urge Iran to stop meddling in the internal affairs of Arab countries.

Saudi Crown Prince, Mohammed bin Salman stands with Jordan's King Abdullah ll and Jordan's Crown Prince Hussein stand during Guard of Honor ceremony upon his arrival at Queen Alia International Airport in Amman, Jordan, June 21, 2022
(photo credit: VIA REUTERS)

Jordan and Saudi Arabia announced on Wednesday that they support international efforts aimed at preventing Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons.

The two countries expressed support for Arab efforts to urge Iran to stop meddling in the internal affairs of Arab countries and avoid all “destabilizing activities.”

Israel para Dummies ▸ Lo que DEBES saber sobre la religión y la geografía política del País.

lunes, 25 de julio de 2022

Bennett está dejando a Israel en un mejor estado de lo que lo encontró

Después de interminables sesiones del parlamento tratando de lograr que el parlamento se disolviera, finalmente sucedió el jueves y la transición del poder pasó a la medianoche de Naftali Bennett al nuevo primer ministro de Israel, Yair Lapid.

Incluso cuando el parlamento se dispersó y fijó la fecha de las elecciones para el 1 de noviembre, la oposición demostró que la política aún era primordial: mostró su rostro cínico al negarse a aprobar una Ley del Metro, que nos beneficiaría a todos al expandir el Tren Ligero de Tel Aviv.

A pesar del trasfondo, de Israel entrando en una quinta campaña electoral en un lapso de tres años, la transición pacífica mostró una vez más a Israel en su mejor momento: una democracia próspera en el Medio Oriente.

VÍDEO: ¿Quién era Haj Amin Al Husseini y qué rol jugó en el Holocausto?

El Gran Mufti de Jerusalem y el Holocausto: ¿Quién era Haj Amin Al Husseini y qué rol jugó en el Holocausto?

Descúbrelo. Es, sin duda, muy revelador.

Gantz: We can leverage the Abraham Accords to strengthen the Palestinian Authority

Defense minister says he backs ‘2-entity solution,’ refraining from using the term ‘state’; says Israel has participated in 10 multinational military exercises since 2020 deals.

Defense Minister Benny Gantz on Thursday expressed his support for leveraging Israel’s new ties with several Arab countries to strengthen the Palestinian Authority, a first for a leading Israeli official.

domingo, 24 de julio de 2022

Putting Netanyahu back in office can save Israel’s democracy - opinion

A majority of voters in Israel and a large majority of Jewish voters consider Netanyahu the most fitting candidate to lead the lone Jewish state.

PRIME MINISTER Yair Lapid and Alternate Prime Minister Naftali Bennett exchange their seats at the government table in the Knesset plenum last month, after the vote to disperse parliament, as Lapid was becoming prime minister and Bennett taking the title of alternate prime minister.
(photo credit: OLIVIER FITOUSSI/FLASH90)

Israel’s democracy is under a debilitating attack. The only democracy in the Middle East is going to the ballots in November for the fifth time in three and a half years because, under its broken electoral system, the person Israelis prefer as their leader more than anyone else was unable, time and again, to form a functioning

Lebanon gas deal creates strangest of connections

BEHIND THE LINES: A look at the geopolitical significance in this deal, how it benefits the Lebanese people and the Assad regime, offsets Iran and Hezbollah and how Israel is involved.

DIRECTOR-GENERAL of Oil Facilities at the Lebanese Energy Ministry Aurore Feghali, Chairman of the Egyptian Natural Gas Holding Company Magdy Galal and Director-General of the Syrian’s General Petroleum Corporation Nabih Khrestin sign a gas import agreement, at the Energy Ministry in Beirut.

In a much-reported move, Lebanon, Syria and Egypt signed an agreement at the Lebanese Energy Ministry in Beirut on June 21 for the provision of Egyptian natural gas to Lebanon, via Syria. According to the deal, Egypt will export 650 million cubic meters of natural gas per year to the Deir Ammar power plant in Lebanon. The gas will reach Lebanon through the Arab Gas Pipeline (AGP), which runs through Jordan and Syria.

Israel must take the Abraham Accords to the Palestinians - opinion

The Abraham Accords have changed the region, but their full potential has yet to be realized, not just with the Gulf but also with the Palestinians.

WORKERS HANG large Palestinian and Israeli flags in Ramat Gan, in June.
(photo credit: AVSHALOM SASSONI/FLASH90)

Two years ago next month, August 13, 2020, I received a call from a government source. “Get ready for 6 p.m. in Jerusalem,” the official said. A big announcement was coming out that morning in Washington.

The official refused to provide more detail, so we didn’t have much opportunity to prepare for that night’s edition of the paper. We speculated in the editorial office what could be the announcement, wondering whether Israel was annexing the

Hamas TV children’s show: ‘Defend Jerusalem until ‘our last drop of blood’

A young boy said that Muslims should follow Islamic law and that the land would be liberated from Israel.

(July 21, 2022 / JNS) A children’s show aired this month on Al-Aqsa TV in the Gaza Strip, and it included incitement to violence against Jews.

According to a report by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), the episode of “Pioneers of Tomorrow” on the Hamas television station showed a little girl saying that the Jews must not be allowed to destroy the Al-Aqsa mosque. A young boy said that Muslims should follow Islamic law and that the land would be liberated from Israel.

El NYT revela información del Mossad sobre los atentados de 1992 y 1994 en Argentina

Enlace Judío – El ataque terrorista contra la Embajada de Israel en Argentina en 1992 y contra la AMIA en 1994 fueron llevados a cabo por una unidad secreta de Hezbolá cuyos operativos, contrariamente a afirmaciones generalizadas, no fue instigada por ciudadanos argentinos ni ayudada directamente en el terreno por Irán, según información publicada por The New York Times.

El periodista israelí Ronen Bergman fue quien reveló para el rotativo una indagatoria interna del Mossad que obtuvo de primera mano, basada en declaraciones de agentes, interrogatorios de sospechosos, escuchas telefónicas y material de vigilancia.

La información le fue confirmada a Bergman por 5 altos funcionarios del Mossad este mismo mes, de acuerdo con el periodista.

sábado, 23 de julio de 2022

Fuerzas israelíes desalojan a miles de colonos judíos en Judea y Samaria

La Policía y las Fuerzas de Defensa de Israel (FDI) desalojaron a miles de colonos judíos que intentaron instalar viviendas improvisadas en varios puntos de Cisjordania (Judea y Samaria) para establecerse de manera ilegal.

Foto: Movimiento colono Nachla vía Twitter

No obstante, activistas denuncian que muchos de ellos lograron quedarse a pernoctar.

“Las fuerzas de seguridad están actuando para impedir la construcción de puestos de avanzada ilegales” en Cisjordania, indicó un comunicado conjunto de las FDI y

Egyptian, Iranian officials met secretly in Muscat

Cairo assured Tehran Negev Summit not aimed against the Islamic Republic, sources say.

An Iranian missile is displayed during a rally marking the annual Quds Day, or Jerusalem Day, on the last Friday of the holy month of Ramadan in Tehran, Iran April 29, 2022. (photo credit: MAJID ASGARIPOUR/WANA (WEST ASIA NEWS AGENCY) VIA REUTERS)

Senior Iranian and Egyptian officials held a secret meeting in Oman on June 27, during Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi’s visit to the sultanate, informed sources tell The Media Line.

“Egypt assured Iran during the meeting that the Negev Summit is not directed against Iran and will not include any military moves against it. The meeting discussed the situation in the Gaza Strip, the Syrian issue, and other files in the Middle East, and opened the door to relations between the two countries,” the

Actualidad con Gabriel ben Tasgal en Yovel

Después de diez años, la Unión Europea restaura el Consejo de Asociación con Israel

Los cancilleres europeos votaron de manera unánime a favor de recuperar el espacio de interacción ministerial con el Estado judío. Es un objetivo cumplido para el primer ministro Lapid, aunque también conlleva riesgos.

Los ministros de Relaciones Exteriores de los países de la Unión Europea decidieron, de manera unánime, renovar la convocatoria del Consejo de Asociación con Israel, después de 10 años en que se celebró la última reunión en este marco.

El Consejo de Asociación fundado en 1995 proporciona un marco legal a la relación entre Israel y la UE, y establece un espacio de reuniones ministeriales

Gran Bretaña inicia negociaciones de libre comercio con Israel

Enlace Judío.- Gran Bretaña inició el miércoles conversaciones de libre comercio con Israel, con el objetivo de impulsar los lazos en el sector de servicios y tecnología mientras busca nuevos acuerdos comerciales después de abandonar la Unión Europea, publicó The Algemeiner.

El acuerdo comercial actual entre los dos países se basa en un antiguo acuerdo de la UE que no tiene disposiciones específicas sobre servicios, dijo Gran Bretaña, y agregó que la relación comercial actualmente tiene un valor de $ 6 mil millones al año.

“El Reino Unido e Israel son superpotencias modernas de servicios de alta tecnología, pero nuestra relación comercial actual se basa en un acuerdo de 1995, antes de que los teléfonos inteligentes, Internet y los servicios entregados digitalmente transformaran la economía global”, dijo la ministra de Comercio, Anne-Marie Trevelyan.

Un vocero iraní le dijo a Al Jazeera que el país es capaz de fabricar armas nucleares

"En unos pocos días pudimos enriquecer uranio hasta en un 60% y podemos producir fácilmente uranio enriquecido en un 90%", señaló Kamal Kharrazi a la agencia de noticias.

Instalación nuclear iraní en Arak Foto: Nanking2012 Wikimedia Commons CC BY-SA 3.0

Teherán es técnicamente capaz de fabricar una bomba nuclear, pero aún tiene que decidir si construirá una, dijo el domingo un asesor principal del líder supremo de Irán, Ali Khamenei, al servicio árabe de Al Jazeera.

«En unos pocos días pudimos enriquecer uranio hasta en un 60% y podemos producir fácilmente uranio enriquecido en un 90%… Irán tiene los medios técnicos para producir una bomba nuclear, pero Irán no ha tomado la

Ritual bath used by elites on eve of Second Temple destruction uncovered

The ritual bath is located on top of a cliff in the “Upper City," the area of Herod’s City which housed Jerusalem’s elites.

The Mikveh Complex and the Remains of Herodian Construction, Looking West

A salvage excavation near the Temple Mount has unearthed a unique mikveh ritual bath dating to the Second Temple period.

The mikveh is located on top of a cliff in the “Upper City,” a phrase coined by historian Josephus Flavius to describe the area of Herod’s City that housed Jerusalem’s elites in what is now the Jewish Quarter.

Abbas thanks Saudi royals for backing Palestinian cause at Jeddah summit with Biden

PA president writes to king and crown prince expressing gratitude for supporting a 2-state solution with East Jerusalem as capital of a future Palestinian state.

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas delivers statements to the media with the US president after their meeting in the city of Bethlehem in the West Bank on July 15, 2022. (MANDEL NGAN / AFP)

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas on Sunday conveyed his gratitude to the Saudi Arabian royal leadership for backing the Palestinian cause during their summit this weekend with the US president.

Abbas sent a message to King Salman of Saudi Arabia and another to his son, Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman, the de facto ruler of the kingdom, the Wafa news agency reported.

miércoles, 20 de julio de 2022

1,500-year-old jugs reveal how Romans kept their wine full of flavor -study

While the existence and importance of wine are well known to scholars, exactly how ancient Romans kept their wine safe and full of flavor was yet unknown.

An archeological artifact is pictured at the site where a large-scale wine jug factory that dates back to the 3rd century and included recreational facilities has been uncovered in Gedera, according to archaeologists, Israel July 31, 2018. (photo credit: AMIR COHEN/REUTERS)

Drinking wine was a common practice in Ancient Rome, enjoyed not only by aristocrats and emperors, but also by slaves, peasants, and men and women alike, a new study has uncovered.

While the existence and importance of wine are well known to scholars, exactly how ancient Romans kept their wine safe and full of flavor has so far been unknown.

PA to Israelis: ‘You must leave because you have no history in Jerusalem’

“Our memories in this land are too long to be counted in years, and the occupier has no memories,” stated the official broadcast narrator.

(July 14, 2022 / JNS) As Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas and other Palestinian officials prepare to meet with U.S. President Joe Biden on Friday for a short meeting in Bethlehem, their message in Arabic remains undoubtedly antagonistic.

The P.A. denies the Jewish historical link to Jerusalem. According to Palestinian Media Watch, a filler program has aired on official P.A. TV from 2017 to the present that denies Jewish history.

Gabriel Ben Tasgal presenta su libro sobre antisemitismo

Enlace Judío - El antisemitismo ha sido un fenómeno sociológico que ha persistido a lo largo de los siglos; se trata del histórico odio hacia el pueblo judío, un sentimiento que se ha ido modificando en el tiempo para adaptarse a los diferentes contextos.Sin duda, es un tema del que hay mucho que aprender.

En esta ocasión, Gabriel Ben Tasgal, escritor y experto analista político, presenta en Enlace Judío su nueva obra “300 preguntas en 300 palabras sobre el Antisemitismo“, un libro que aborda el tema del milenario odio hacia el pueblo judío de un modo am

domingo, 17 de julio de 2022

Israel can afford to show respect to its own leaders - opinion

Israel is strong, wealthy and sophisticated. It can afford to build an office/residence that would respect its occupants as well as visiting dignitaries.

President Joe Biden descends from Air Force One at Ben-Gurion International Airport on Wednesday.   (photo credit: AMMAR AWAD/REUTERS)

Whenever there is a presidential visit to the Holy Land, it naturally has its serious moments, but also its lighter ones.

A few were on display at Ben-Gurion Airport on Wednesday, after Joe Biden touched down in Israel for the first time as president. It was his 10th visit, and without doubt the most consequential.

Lapid y Herzog despiden a Biden en su salida de Israel hacia Arabia Saudita

Enlace Judío – El presidente Yitzhak Herzog y el primer ministro Yair Lapid se despidieron este viernes del presidente estadounidense Joe Biden, que concluyó su visita a Israel y se dirigió a Arabia Saudita.

“Hoy es un día histórico. Después de una intensa diplomacia entre bastidores con Arabia Saudita y Estados Unidos, el espacio aéreo saudita ahora estará abierto a las aerolíneas israelíes”, dijo Lapid, de acuerdo con Arutz Sheva.

“Me gustaría agradecer al presidente Biden por su visita aquí en Israel y por su compromiso con un Israel fuerte y una región próspera. Le deseo éxito en Jeddah”.

Lapid agregó que la visita de Biden fue conmovedora para todo el país y elogió su compromiso con la seguridad de Israel.

Worship: John 3:16 in Hebrew, Arabic, Russian, English, Korean and Persian

Five of the Middle East's oldest cities that are still inhabited

The first urban settlements began to appear just under 10,000 years ago in what is now Turkey, Iraq and Syria.

Archaeologists found evidence of human inhabitation in Damascus dated as far back as 8,000 years ago (AFP/Louai Beshara)

With the advent of agriculture around 11,000 years ago, human populations in the Middle East began settling in one place, and started to abandon their previous hunter-gatherer way of living.

Growing crops and domesticating animals often resulted in food surpluses, which meant people had less of a need to move around in search of new sources of food.

Small agricultural settlements eventually turned into villages, towns and cities and the building blocks of civilisation were laid.

Un lapidario informe de UN Watch acusa a Hamás y a la Autoridad Palestina de torturar a detenidos

"Los activistas de derechos humanos, las mujeres, las personas LGBT, los opositores políticos, los llamados "colaboradores" y los palestinos que venden tierras a los judíos están sujetos a un castigo brutal", dijo el grupo con sede en Ginebra en un comunicado.

Líder de Hamas Ismail Haniyeh – Foto: CC BY 4.0 vía Wikimedia

La ONG UN Watch publicó un informe el jueves acusando a la Autoridad Palestina y al grupo terrorista Hamas de participar regularmente en la tortura de los detenidos.

«Los activistas de derechos humanos, las mujeres, las personas LGBT, los opositores políticos, los llamados «colaboradores» y los palestinos que

US president visiting Israel: A dream now commonplace - opinion

Although now seemingly a routine occurrence, it is easy to forget that for more than a quarter-century, consecutive American presidents refrained from visiting the Jewish state.

AFTER ADDRESSING the Knesset, then-US president George W. Bush receives applause from Israeli counterpart Shimon Peres, and Dalia Itzik, who served as Knesset speaker, in 2008.     (photo credit: LIOR MIZRAHI/FLASH90)

Israelis were delighted to see US President Joe Biden touch down at Ben-Gurion Airport, his visit reminding them of Israel’s robust alliance with the world’s preeminent power. Although now seemingly a routine occurrence, it is easy to forget that for more than a quarter-century, consecutive American presidents refrained from visiting the Jewish state.

jueves, 14 de julio de 2022

Arqueólogos descubren un tesoro de la época del templo en el corazón de Galilea

Se trata de un bloque de piedra caliza tallado con símbolos del Templo de Jerusalén.

Piedra de Magdala. Foto: Creative Commons

Arqueólogos israelíes descubrieron un bloque de piedra caliza tallado con símbolos del Templo de Jerusalén. El mismo se divisó dentro de las ruinas de una sinagoga en la antigua ciudad de Magdala, cerca del Mar de Galilea.

Con más de mil años de historia, esta piedra es una prueba más de la existencia interminable del pueblo judío en dichas tierras. Según los investigadores, la

Iron Dome, Yad Vashem, Maccabiah, Bethlehem: Biden’s 2 days in Israel and West Bank

Biden to tour Israeli security installations, including new laser defense system; is set to become 1st US president to visit a site in Palestinian East Jerusalem outside Old City.

Then-US Vice President Joe Biden at a press conference at the Prime Minister's Office in Jerusalem, March 9, 2016. (Debbie Hill, Pool via AP)

WASHINGTON — The schedule for US President Joe Biden’s upcoming two-day trip to Israel and the West Bank was all but finalized on Thursday, and while it will be the longtime lawmaker’s 10th trip to the Jewish state, the itinerary will include a number of firsts for the US leader.

Biden will land Wednesday afternoon at Ben Gurion Airport, where he will be greeted by Prime Minister Yair Lapid in an official welcome ceremony.

Gantz y Sa’ar anuncian alianza electoral

Enlace Judío – Kajol Laván de Benny Gantz y Tikvá Jadashá de Gideon Sa’ar firmaron un acuerdo este domingo para fusionar sus partidos antes de las próximas elecciones del 1 de noviembre, informó The Jerusalem Post.

“Hoy, estamos colocando la piedra angular para el próximo gobierno”, dijo Gantz en una declaración a medios.

“Hoy, por experiencia, conocimiento de la realidad y modestia, los socios de Gideon Sa’ar y yo, junto con toda la gente de Kajol Laván y Tikvá Jadashá, estamos comenzando a caminar el camino para resolver la crisis política y establecer el hogar del centro estatal”.

Reportes indican que Tikvá Jadashá recibirá alrededor de un tercio de los escaños del partido conjunto, frente a los dos tercios de Kajol Laván.

National Library finds rare 18th-century text detailing Portuguese Inquisition

Centuries-old manuscript, recounting more than 100 years of hearings and brutal executions of individuals accused of practicing Judaism and other ‘sins,’ is now digitized online.

A page from the manuscript describing autos-da-fé trials in Lisbon from 1540-1669, during the Portuguese Inquisition. (Courtesy of the National Library of Israel)

An 18th-century document detailing the activities of the Portuguese Inquisition, which punished people for upholding Jewish traditions and committing other transgressions, has been found by the National Library of Israel and made available online, the library announced.

The library’s Central Archives for the History of the Jewish People on Wednesday publicized the 60-page document written in Portuguese, which mainly recounts

New ‘biography’ of Jerusalem Old City focuses on holy flashpoint’s diverse residents

In ‘Nine Quarters of Jerusalem,’ Matthew Teller challenges conventional theories of how the one-square kilometer is divided, and introduces readers to little-known communities.

A view of Jerusalem Old City with the Dome of the Rock shrine, center, Tuesday, June 21, 2022. (AP Photo/Mahmoud Illean)

On an afternoon this past May, author Matthew Teller pulled a small wheeled suitcase behind him as he walked around Jerusalem.

The bag was packed with copies of his latest book, “Nine Quarters of Jerusalem: A New Biography of the Old City.”

Esta semana se cumplieron 118 años del fallecimiento de Theodor Herzl

La fecha del aniversario de su muerte fue el pasado 3 de julio.

Theodoro Herzl, padre del sionismo. Foto: Twitter @israelinrepdom

Padre del sionismo moderno, esta semana se conmemora el 118° aniversario de la muerte de Theodor Herzl. Entre sus sueños más fuertes, la creación del hogar nacional para la autodeterminación de la comunidad judía que se hizo realidad en 1948.

Nacido en Budapest en 1960, los prejuicios antisemitas le imposibilitaron su acceso a la carrera judicial tras estudiar derecho en Viena. Pero no se quedó sin trabajar: fue corresponsal en París de un diario vienés.

miércoles, 13 de julio de 2022

Biden y una oportunidad histórica: un Plan Marshall para Oriente Medio

La próxima gira del presidente de Estados Unidos, Joe Biden por Oriente Medio es una oportunidad para avanzar en un plan de paz israelí-palestino que garantice un futuro de estabilidad financiera y prosperidad en la región y que podría beneficiar al resto del mundo.

El presidente de Estados Unidos, Joe Biden, está a punto de embarcarse en lo que podría ser el viaje más importante de su presidencia hasta el momento.

Visitará el Medio Oriente rico en petróleo, especialmente Arabia Saudita, para transmitir al reino un mensaje de que sigue siendo un poderoso aliado de los Estados Unidos y que todo el Medio Oriente sigue siendo vital para los intereses estratégicos de los Estados Unidos.

Why Israel’s Doomsday Nationalists Want To Destroy This

Hold onto your hummus: Global chickpea supply could drop 20% this year

A combination of Russia’s war in Ukraine, poor weather and transportation issues is leading to the shortage, which is predicted to increase prices.

Hummus anyone?

Lovers of hummus and falafel beware: data shows that global supplies of chickpeas, the main ingredient for both dishes, may dip up to 20% this year.

A combination of Russia’s war in Ukraine, poor weather and transportation issues is leading to the shortage, which is predicted to increase prices and make cheap hummus harder to come by, Reuters reported on Thursday.

Farmers in the United States, the fourth-largest chickpea exporter in the world, planted less of the protein-packed legume this year due to less than ideal weather

EEUU revela que Irán prepara el envío de drones armados para Rusia

El Gobierno estadounidense dijo tener información de que Irán se está preparando para entregar a Rusia cientos de drones para que Moscú los use en su ofensiva militar contra Ucrania.

Drones iraníes Foto: Tasnimnews CC BY 4.0

El asesor de Seguridad Nacional de la Casa Blanca, Jake Sullivan, señaló en una comparecencia ante la prensa que no tienen constancia de que esos aparatos hayan llegado ya a su destino, pero sí de que Irán prepara ese envío y que empezará a formar este mes a las fuerzas rusas en el uso de esos drones armados.

«Esto es solo un ejemplo de cómo Rusia se apoya en países como Irán», apuntó.

Ayuda humanitaria a Siria: Rusia veta, y esto es solo el comienzo

Rusia ha vetado la Resolución 2585 del Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU, esbozada para extender la operación en el último cruce fronterizo a través del cual se transfiere la ayuda humanitaria internacional al noroeste de Siria.

Desplazamiento de residentes tras un bombardeo en Azaz en el norte de Siria Foto archivo: Voice of America News Dominio Público vía Wikimedia Commons

El cruce de Bab al-Hawa, ubicado en la frontera sirio-turca, es el principal sustento de la región de Idlib, hogar de unos 4,4 millones de personas, de las cuales 2,8 millones están desplazadas de sus hogares y viven en condiciones de hambre y pobreza extrema.

Desde 2014, cuatro cruces fronterizos han operado en los esfuerzos de la ayuda internacional a Siria, sin pasar por el régimen de Damasco.

Why Biden’s 10th visit to Israel must be his most productive

The US president certainly has important business to do in Saudi Arabia. But there’s nothing more critical than stopping a nuclear Iran. And time is running out.

President Joe Biden speaks after arriving at Ben Gurion Airport, Wednesday, July 13, 2022, as Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid, second left, and President Isaac Herzog, left, look on. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

An earlier version of this Editor’s Note was sent out in ToI’s weekly update email to members of the Times of Israel Community. To receive these Editor’s Notes as they’re released, join the ToI Community here.

US President Joe Biden has been to Israel nine times before. As he recalled on his arrival here Wednesday afternoon, he has met with every Israeli prime minister