sábado, 31 de julio de 2021

Watergen Brings Innovative Water Tech to Navajo Nation, Backed by Jewish & Native American Coalition

(Hard Rock Chapter, Navajo Nation, AZ – July 7th, 2021) -- The Israeli company Watergen has implemented a pilot project, installing a GEN-M water generator at Rocky Ridge Gas & Market (RRGM), located in the Hard Rock Community of the

160 new immigrants from France arrive in Israel amid surge in ‘aliyah’

This particular group included doctors, lawyers, teachers, engineers, media professionals and 46 young people under the age of 18.

Children from France arrive in Israel as part of a group aliyah flight on July 21, 2021. Photo by Noga Malsa.

(July 21, 2021 / JNS) A group of 160 new French immigrants to Israel arrived at Ben-Gurion International Airport on Wednesday aboard a special aliyah flight from Paris organized by the Jewish Agency for Israel, and Israel’s Ministry of Aliyah and Integration.

The new arrivals were accompanied on the flight by Israel’s Minister of Aliyah and

Así engañan los dirigentes palestinos a EEUU

El presidente de la Autoridad Palestina, Mahmud Abás, no tiene el menor problema en decir a la Administración Biden y a los congresistas de EEUU lo que quieren oír a fin de recibir ayuda económica norteamericana. Abás cogerá el dinero y al mismo tiempo sus fuerzas de seguridad seguirán machacando a los palestinos que hagan negocios con judíos. En la imagen (Alex Brandon/Pool/AFP, vía Getty Images), Abás consulta una tarjeta con una declaración escrita durante la visita del secretario de Estado norteamericano, Antony Blinken, a Ramala el pasado 25 de mayo.

El pasado 30 de junio un palestino fue condenado a siete años de cárcel con trabajos forzados por tratar de vender tierras a judíos israelíes. El hombre, cuya identidad no ha sido revelada, fue condenado por un tribunal de la Autoridad Palestina (AP) de la ciudad de Ramala (Margen Occidental), capital de facto de los

viernes, 30 de julio de 2021

How water has become a flashpoint in the Middle East

Al-Monitor reporting shows the increased risks and relevance of water security for Egypt, Sudan and Ethiopia; Iran and Iraq; and Israel and Jordan.

Is Egyptian agriculture at risk due to the lack of an agreement on the operation of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam? Here, an aerial view is seen of the Muweis canal of the Nile River and alongside it the villages of (top to bottom) Bani Ishbil, Kafr al-Jirayah and Bandaf in Sharqiyah province of Egypt's fertile northern Nile delta agricultural region, May 28, 2021. - AMIR MAKAR/AFP via Getty Images

The disruption of water supply has long been a potential catalyst for conflict or instability in the arid Middle East. But it’s never been as prominent a risk as it is now.

Balance of power moves in Iran’s favor in Gulf, Jordan, as America pulls back from region

Partly driving the shift “is the weakness the United States is showing towards Iran in its efforts to reduce its presence in the Middle East and bolster its position in the Far East against the growing Chinese challenge,” said Bar-Ilan Professor Hillel Frisch, a Middle East expert at the BESA Center.

A view of Tehran. Credit: Vanchai Tan/Shutterstock.

(July 22, 2021 / JNS) U.S. President Joe Biden met with Jordan’s King Abdullah on Monday amid concerns that Iran is gaining strategic ground in the Gulf area and Jordan as the United States pulls back from the region.

“You’ve always been there, and we will always be there for Jordan,” Biden told Abdullah in front of reporters. “You live in a tough neighborhood.”

VIDEO: Sacan a la fuerza a Ben-Gvir de la Knéset tras llamar “terrorista” a Ahmad Tibi

Enlace Judío – Un inusual momento de tensión se vivió este lunes en una sesión de la Knéset entre el legislador árabe Ahmad Tibi, de la Lista Conjunta, y el legislador de ultraderecha Itamar Ben-Gvir, del partido Hatzionut Hadatit.

Entre gritos y casi a rastras, personal de seguridad de la Knéset sacó a la fuerza a Ben-Gvir luego de una disputa verbal en la que insultó a su colega parlamentario Tibi.

El incidente comenzó cuando Ben-Gvir subió al estrado y comenzó con su discurso sin referirse deliberadamente como “señor presidente” a Tibi, quien en ese momento como vicepresidente presidía la reunión en ausencia del presidente Mickey Levi.

jueves, 29 de julio de 2021


Israel to join African Union as observer after being kept out for 2 decades

Jerusalem makes major stride in its burgeoning ties with the continent; ‘this is a day of celebration for Israel-Africa relations,’ says Foreign Minister Lapid.

Delegates attend the opening session of the 33rd African Union (AU) Summit at the AU headquarters in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, February 9, 2020. (AP Photo)

Israel will be joining the African Union as an observer state, the Foreign Ministry announced Thursday.

Israel’s ambassador to Addis Ababa, Aleleign Admasu, submitted Israel’s charter as an observer member to the 55-member continental organization.

¿Qué tan satisfechos están los israelíes con el gobierno de Bennett?

Enlace Judío – Un mes después del establecimiento del nuevo gobierno encabezado por el primer ministro Naftali Bennett, los israelíes están divididos sobre su apoyo a la administración, y una pluralidad sigue prefiriendo a Benjamín Netanyahu como primer ministro, según una encuesta publicada el lunes.

La encuesta publicada por el Canal 12 israelí mostró que el 45% de los encuestados están satisfechos con el nuevo gobierno, mientras que el 45% están insatisfechos.

Pero casi la mitad (49%) elogió su manejo de la pandemia, mientras que el 38% se mostró disgustado con ello.

En las últimas semanas, los casos de COVID-19 han aumentado en el país, principalmente debido a la variante Delta, que se ha convertido en un problema

miércoles, 28 de julio de 2021

Meet the former Jerusalem mayor who wants to succeed Netanyahu — and lead Israel

Likud lawmaker Nir Barkat speaks at a conference in Tel Aviv, June 10, 2021. (Avshalom Sassoni/Flash90)

NEW YORK (JTA) — Nir Barkat was supposed to be in a different place now.

When the popular two-term mayor of Jerusalem entered national politics and ran for the Knesset in 2019 with Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud party, it seemed like a safe bet. After all, the party had governed Israel for a decade and looked poised to win reelection yet again.

Instead, that April, Israel entered into a spiral of four largely inconclusive elections. Two years later Netanyahu is no longer in power, and Barkat is a backbench lawmaker in the parliamentary opposition. Barkat has declared that he intends to

Bennett announces restrictions on Israelis who refuse a jab

One million unvaccinated people will have to produce negative test results before entering crowded public venues, PM says.

Naftali Bennett unveiled plans to impose sweeping restrictions on unvaccinated Israelis in a bid to encourage nearly one million people to take the jab.

The prime minister said Israelis who refused a vaccine were endangering public health and freedoms, and would have to pick up the cost of their choice.

Hallan monedas de 2,000 años en Judea y Samaria con las frases “libertad de Sión” y “libertad de Jerusalén”

Enlace Judío – Dos monedas raras que se remontan a la época de las revueltas judías contra el Imperio romano fueron descubiertas recientemente por arqueólogos israelíes en la región de Binyamin de Judea y Samaria (Cisjordania).

La primera moneda fue descubierta en el suelo en el sitio arqueológico de Khirbat Jib’it, al sur de la ciudad de Duma, en Judea y Samaria. Se remonta a la era de la Gran Revuelta, la primera guerra judeoromana en la antigua Judea, según investigadores de la Universidad de Bar-Ilán, de acuerdo con The Times of Israel.

La moneda Khirbat Jib’it se acuñó alrededor del 67-68 EC, según el Dr. Dvir Raviv, quien dirigió la encuesta. En un lado tiene una hoja de vid y la inscripción hebrea

martes, 27 de julio de 2021

Hallan en Jerusalén restos de muro destruido en la era del Primer Templo

Enlace Judío – Excavaciones en el Parque Nacional de la Ciudad de David en Jerusalén revelaron una sección nunca antes vista del muro de fortificación del período del Primer Templo que fue traspasada, pero aparentemente no completamente arrasada, por los babilonios, informó The Times of Israel.

Según 2 Reyes 25:10, “Y todo el ejército de los caldeos [babilonios] que estaba con el capitán de la guardia, derribó los muros alrededor de Jerusalén”.

Pero esta sección existente recién descubierta de la muralla oriental de la ciudad, conectada a dos secciones previamente excavadas y documentadas, significa que potencialmente toda la longitud de la zona oriental no fue derribada por los babilonios.

Jordan’s king: I was ‘very encouraged’ after meeting with Bennett, Gantz

In CNN interview, Abdullah says violent Jewish-Arab unrest in Israel during its most recent conflict with Hamas was a ‘civil war,’ should serve as ‘a wake-up call’.

Jordanian King Abdullah II, right speaks to Secretary of State Antony Blinken on July 20, 2021, at the State Department in Washington. (Nicholas Kamm /Pool via AP)

Jordanian King Abdullah said he was “encouraged” by his recent meeting with Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, though he does not anticipate any immediate progress toward Israeli-Palestinian peace.

“It was important for me not only to meet with the Palestinian leadership after a war — which I did with Abu Mazen [Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas] —

What Does a Pig Skeleton Discovered in Jerusalem Say About First Temple Era Jews?

Remains of piglet from 2,700 years ago support the theory that ancient Israelites occasionally did eat pork, and the biblical taboo on this animal was only first observed in Second Temple era, Israeli archaeologists say.

Israeli archaeologists have unearthed the complete skeleton of a piglet in a place and time where you wouldn’t expect to find pork remains: a Jerusalem home dating to the First Temple period.

The 2,700-year-old porcine remains were found crushed by large pottery vessels and a collapsed wall during excavations in the so-called City of David, the original nucleus of ancient Jerusalem.

lunes, 26 de julio de 2021

The Combat Antisemitism Movement - Uniting To Defeat Anti-Semitism Around The World

Iran opens first oil terminal in Gulf of Oman, avoiding Strait of Hormuz

“This new crude export terminal shows the failure of Washington's sanctions on Iran,” said Iranian President Hassan Rouhani.

A vector map of the Gulf region and the Strait of Hormuz. Credit: tunasalmon/Shutterstock.

(July 22, 2021 / JNS) Iran opened its first oil terminal in the Gulf of Oman, avoiding the Strait of Hormuz—a flashpoint for tensions with the United States, Israel and other countries—Iranian President Hassan Rouhani announced in a speech on Thursday.

“This is a strategic move and an important step for Iran. It will secure the continuation of our oil exports. This new crude export terminal shows the failure of

Israel creó una comisión por el escándalo del espionaje mundial con el software Pegasus

Una investigación periodística publicada por 17 medios de todo el mundo detectó la intervención de 50.000 números telefónicos seleccionados por clientes del grupo NSO desde 2016. Entre las víctimas hay periodistas, políticos, defensores de derechos humanos y empresarios.
Por Telam

Israel creó este jueves una comisión parlamentaria para investigar las acusaciones de que el programa de vigilancia telefónica Pegasus, del grupo local NSO, fue utilizado para espiar a políticos y periodista a nivel mundial, mientras que la canciller alemana Angela Merkel exigió más restricciones a la venta de este tipo de software.

domingo, 25 de julio de 2021

The missing section of the First temple city wall of Jerusalem was exposed at the City of David

‘A Night to Honor Israel’ turns out hundreds of fervent Christian supporters

Pastor John Hagee was the main draw with his spirited sermons and preacher’s delivery, though former Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley proved a powerful voice for the Jewish state.

Pastor John Hagee speaking at the 2021 CUFI conference. Credit: CUFI.

(July 23, 2021 / JNS) Jews are rarely so uninhibited in their support of Israel as evangelical Christians in the United States, whose support for the Jewish state during the weekend’s Christians United for Israel Summit in Dallas, seemed to be a testament of faith.

The organization’s founder, evangelical Pastor John Hagee, set the tone during his address to more than 700 donors and leaders of the organization in person in a

Un acuerdo entre la UNESCO, el Congreso Judío Mundial y Facebook amplía a 12 idiomas la educación sobre el Holocausto

Recientemente, la etiqueta #HitlerWasRight fue tendencia en las redes sociales. Un claro indicio de que a nivel mundial sigue existiendo una fuerte convicción de que el genocidio de más de seis millones de judíos por parte del régimen nazi alemán durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial fue lo correcto. Las narrativas antisemitas similares, tanto manifiestas como más insidiosas, se están extendiendo rápidamente en Internet. Un estudio reciente del Instituto Diálogo Estratégico encontró “#Holohoax”, que niega la verdad histórica del Holocausto, en 36 grupos de Facebook que sumaban más de 360.000 seguidores, así como referencias en Reddit, Twitter y YouTube, todas creadas entre junio de 2018 y julio

sábado, 24 de julio de 2021

Segment 30: Inside the Dome of the Rock... Again

Judoca argelino renuncia a Olímpicos para evitar enfrentarse a un israelí

Enlace Judío – Un día antes de la apertura oficial de los Juegos Olímpicos de Tokio, el judoka argelino Fethi Nourine se retiró del certamen deportivo para evitar la posibilidad de enfrentarse a un competidor israelí.

Según recoge The Times of Israel, Nourine tomó la decisión después de que fuera determinado el jueves por la mañana un enfrentamiento con Tohar Butbul en la segunda ronda de la competencia de judo masculino de menos de 73 kilogramos, si fuera a avanzar más allá de su primera pelea.

“No tuvimos suerte con el sorteo. Tenemos un oponente israelí y por eso tuvimos que retirarnos. Tomamos la decisión correcta”, dijo el entrenador de Nourine, Amar Ben Yaklif, según medios argelinos.

United Church of Christ accuses Israel of using ‘imperialistic theology’ against Palestinians

The American Jewish Committee panned the resolution, saying it “demonizes Israel, fails to offer a credible path to Israeli-Palestinian peace and undermines advances in Christian-Jewish relations.”

The logo of the United Church of Christ's 2021 General Synod. Source: United Church of Christ/Facebook.

(July 19, 2021 / JNS) The leadership of the United Church of Christ adopted a resolution at its General Synod slamming Israel, accusing it of using “imperialistic theology” as justification of its policies towards the Palestinians.

The 3,500-word document, adopted by a vote of 462-78, titled “Declaration for a Just Peace between Palestine and Israel,” pronounces “Israel’s continued

viernes, 23 de julio de 2021

Withdrawal from Gaza - Full Documentary

Withdrawal from Gaza tells the sad story of the unilateral Israeli disengagement from Gaza in August 2005.

Approximately 8,700 Israelis settled there after the 1967 Six Day War and establishing over 20 vibrant Jewish communities including the Gush Katif settlements.

Through agriculture they produced about $100 million annually until the day the Israeli government decided all the inhabitants had to leave.


Biden praises Jordan king in White House meet expected to broach Abraham Accords

US president to reportedly tell Abdullah that Trump-brokered agreements not an ‘end run’ on finding way to peace deal that includes Palestinian state.

President Joe Biden, right, meets with Jordan's King Abdullah II, left, in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington, July 19, 2021. (AP Photo/Susan Walsh)

WASHINGTON (AP) — US President Joe Biden praised King Abdullah II of Jordan as a stalwart ally in a “tough neighborhood,” as the two leaders huddled at the White House on Monday, a meeting that came at a pivotal moment for both leaders in the Middle East.

jueves, 22 de julio de 2021

Pope Francis restricts Latin Mass that caused controversy with Jews

Pope Francis, seen at a Holy Mass in Vatican City in June 2019. (Grzegorz Galazka/Archivio Grzegorz Galazka/Mondadori Portfolio via Getty Images)

(JTA) — Pope Francis has restricted the use of the Latin Mass, a form of the liturgy favored by traditionalist Catholics that calls for the conversion of the Jews and that until 2008 included a reference to Jewish “blindness.”

Francis’ declaration on Friday is a repudiation of an earlier decree by his predecessor, Pope Benedict XVI, who in 2007 made it easier to use the Latin Mass. At the time of that declaration, Jewish groups expressed concern because the Latin Mass recited on Good Friday included a “prayer for the Jews” that called for their conversion to Christianity and referred to the Jews’ “blindness.”

Jewish groups worried at the time that Benedict’s decision signified a retreat from the Second Vatican Council, or Vatican II, which declared in a 1965 document

Biden’s reward to UNRWA for bad behavior

Every syllable of the “Framework for Cooperation” between the United States and the U.N agency is a lie, but journalists were bowled over by the inclusion of “anti-Semitism” in the document’s list of false denunciations.

A Palestinian carries an aid package from UNRWA in Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip on Sept. 27, 2018. Photo by Abed Rahim Khatib/Flash90.

(July 20, 2021 / JNS) The United States transferred $135 million to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) on Saturday. This was in addition to the nearly $33 million that it gave to the organization in May to help the Gaza Strip, ravaged by Hamas rockets and Israel’s response to them during “Operation Guardian of the Walls.”

Bennett habla con directivo de Unilever tras decisión de Ben & Jerry’s; promete respuesta enérgica de Israel contra todo boicot

Enlace Judío – El primer ministro Naftali Bennett habló con el director de la compañía Unilever, propietaria de Ben & Jerry’s, y protestó por la decisión de esta de no vender más helados en los asentamientos israelíes en Judea y Samaria (Cisjordania).

La conversación se produjo después de que Ben & Jerry’s anunció el lunes que ya no distribuirá sus productos en el “territorio palestino ocupado“, aparentemente refiriéndose a Judea y Samaria y Jerusalén Este.

La decisión entrará en vigor a fines de 2022, cuando expire su contrato con el actual fabricante y distribuidor israelí.

miércoles, 21 de julio de 2021

Why is support for ‘freedom of worship for Jews’ on the Temple Mount so controversial?

Bennett’s statement deserves support, but it will have diplomatic and political repercussions. If he backs down, the consequences will involve more than the right to prayer at a holy site.

Israeli security forces guard as a group of Jewish visitors on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem's Old City, during Tisha B'Av, July 18, 2021. Photo by Jamal Awad/Flash90

(July 19, 2021 / JNS) Maybe it was just the product of the ongoing civil war between the different political parties on the Israeli right. Or maybe it was just time that an Israeli prime minister said something that, in a saner world, wouldn’t be considered controversial. But whatever motivated Prime Minister Naftali Bennett to

Contradicciones al interior del gobierno por el status del Monte del Templo

Naftalí Bennett dio a entender que los judíos podrían rezar en el Monte del Templo, pero Yair Lapid desmintió cualquier cambio.

Fuerzas de seguridad israelíes en el Monte del Templo. REUTERS/Ammar Awad

El status del Monte del Templo volvió a estar en el centro de la agenda pública luego de que distintos actores de la coalición oficial se refirieran a él.

En medio de la conmemoración de Tisha B'Av, el primer ministro Naftalí Bennett dio a entender que los judíos podían rezar en el sitio. Esto sería un cambio

49 cisterns tell the story of the destruction of the Temple, and much more

The network of tunnels beneath the Temple Mount has been the subject of much mystery and controversy, but the cisterns – some of which are linked to biblical sources – are just as fascinating.

"The Cave Beneath the Holy Rock, Jerusalem" by Carl Haag, 1859. Pencil and watercolor on paper. Credit: Wikimedia Commons.

(July 18, 2021 / Israel Hayom) Like a well-kept secret, the cisterns of the Temple Mount are concealed, barred and padlocked by the Jerusalem Islamic Waqf. In ancient times, the cisterns refreshed pilgrims arriving at the Temple. A few originally functioned as shaft graves or quarries from which stones were carved to build the Temple, filling with water only years later.

According to archaeologists’ calculations, to transport 26,417 gallons of water from the Gihon Spring 2,624 feet to one small cistern on the Mount would have taken at

martes, 20 de julio de 2021

Testimonio de Israelíes Judíos que se encontraron con el Mesías Jesús, Yeshua - T2

The Lapid-Bennett government’s foreign policy ‘doctrine’

Under Yair Lapid’s stewardship, Israel’s foreign policy isn't based on Israel's national interests, but on sucking up to the cool kids—the progressives in America, the jetsetters in Brussels and the Palestinians.

Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett (right) and Foreign minister Yair Lapid attend a Knesset meeting on June 13, 2021. Photo by Yonatan Sindel/Flash90.

(July 18, 2021 / JNS) From Prime Minister Naftali Bennett’s stunning Knesset assault against his predecessor Benjamin Netanyahu, through Foreign Minister Yair Lapid’s trip to Brussels and his speech before the Global Forum on Anti-Semitism, this week the Lapid-Bennett government’s foreign policy doctrine was fully exposed.

One of the novel aspects of Bennett and Lapid’s governing arrangements is that

A Journey Back to The Destructions of Jerusalem - Tisha B’Av Special

lunes, 19 de julio de 2021

Jordania, Egipto y Turquía condenan visita de judíos al Monte del Templo en Tishá B’Av

Enlace Judío – Jordania, Egipto y Turquía condenaron a Israel este domingo después de que unos 1,600 judíos visitaran el Monte del Templo en la Ciudad Vieja de Jerusalén para conmemorar el ayuno de Tishá B’Av.

“Las acciones israelíes contra la mezquita son inaceptables y condenables. Representan una violación del status quo histórico y legal, el derecho internacional y las obligaciones de Israel como potencia ocupante en Jerusalén Este”, dijo en un comunicado el portavoz del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de Jordania, Daifullah Fayez, de acuerdo con The Times of Israel.

El portavoz dijo que se envió a Israel una carta de protesta sobre el asunto.

El domingo por la mañana temprano, la policía israelí se enfrentó a fieles palestinos en el Monte del Templo. Según informes palestinos, la policía israelí

Lebanon's Gordian knot could strangle it

Frustration in Lebanon as residents search for essential items

Beirut, Lebanon (CNN) - "Lebanon moves into greater danger." "Persevering in destroying Lebanon." "Arab and international community fear chaos."

These were the headlines splashed across the front pages of Lebanon's major newspapers Friday, a day after Prime Minister-designate Saad Hariri -- a previous holder of the office -- abandoned his bid to form the crisis-ridden country's next government.

Across Lebanon's vast political divide, disagreements are plentiful but there is consensus on two apparent truths: that Lebanon's confessional power-sharing system is no longer tenable. And that the withdrawal of Hariri, a long-time Sunni

In apparent world first, IDF deployed drone swarms in Gaza fighting

Military used ‘flocks’ of small aircraft, all communicating with each other, to locate targets, direct airstrikes, highlighting advances in artificial intelligence-driven combat.

Israeli military drones fly in formation in an undated photograph. (Israel Defense Forces)

Mass swarms of dozens or hundreds of drones guided by artificial intelligence are widely considering to be one of the more worrying weapons making their way into the modern battlefield, one with the potential to be far cheaper and thus more available to non-state actors than other advanced munitions.

domingo, 18 de julio de 2021

Scientists Have Revived Extinct Israeli Wheat Strains. Now Comes the Taste Test

For the first time, a large, commercial flour mill has joined scientists and other experts to revive the lost varieties of wheat of the Land of Israel.

Early in the afternoon, shortly after the dozens of invited guests arrived, David “Friedy” Friedman, chief food technologist of Stybel Flour Mills, and the company’s chief baker, Yuval Alhadeff, arranged loaves of bread for tasting on a round table. The handiwork of four bakers, the breads were made of white and whole-wheat

FM Lapid defines Antisemitism as hate against anyone who is different

La profesora musulmana que investiga el Holocausto

Ni siquiera intentes catalogar a Mehnaz Afridi. Ella es una musulmana de Pakistán y profesora de estudios religiosos, que desde el 2011 se desempeña como directora del Centro de Educación sobre el Holocausto, el Genocidio y las Relaciones Interreligiosas. Ella investiga y enseña sobre el Holocausto, el genocidio y el islam desde una perspectiva multicultural.

El año pasado, debido al coronavirus, no tuvo lugar la Marcha por la Vida en Polonia y Afridi fue invitada a participar en una ceremonia virtual de la Marcha por la Vida Internacional. Así fue como llegué a conocerla. Es una mujer cariñosa e impresionante. Su libro, Shoah Trough Muslim Eyes (El Holocausto a través de ojos musulmanes, 2017, editado por Michael Berenbaum), ofrece una perspectiva única y fascinante de este capítulo de la historia. En esta época de conflictos y

sábado, 17 de julio de 2021

Who's to blame for Lebanon's latest political setback? | Inside Story

Bennett: ‘Vaccines on their own won’t solve the problem’

Vaccine protection ‘weaker than we’d hoped’ against Delta, PM says; inoculations help, but ‘significantly less’ than with previous strains; gov’t seeks to approve home testing kits.

Prime Minister Naftali Bennett chairs the weekly cabinet meeting, in Jerusalem, July 11, 2021. (Ronen Zvulun/Pool via AP)

At a situational assessment in Tel Aviv Friday, Prime Minister Naftali Bennett said protection afforded by COVID-19 vaccines was “weaker than we’d hoped” against the surging Delta variant.

“Anyone who hoped that vaccines on their own would solve the problem — they

Jordan Is Now an Ally of the Islamic Republic of Iran

Jordanian King Abdullah, Iraqi PM Mustafa Khadimi, and Egyptian president Abdel Fattah Sisi at summit in Baghdad, June 27, 2021, image via Twitter @RHCJO

BESA Center Perspectives Paper No. 2,095, July 13, 2021

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The King of Jordan has apparently reached the conclusion that opening the door to the extremist Shiite regime in Iran will save his country from its many crises. While it might allay those crises in the short term, this alliance will likely end with Jordan sinking into a state of total Iranian domination, as did Lebanon, Iraq, and Yemen.

It is now official: Jordan is allied with Iran.

On June 27, 2021, Jordan’s King Abdullah II met with Iraqi PM Mustafa Kadhimi

viernes, 16 de julio de 2021

Sourpuss, showman: Bennett bashes Netanyahu over Iran, COVID in Knesset showdown

Prime minister mocks predecessor for showboating accomplishments, while opposition leader accuses new government of undoing his gains.

Prime Minister Naftali Bennett speaks during a plenum session in the Knesset on July 12, 2021. (Olivier Fitoussi/Flash90)

Prime Minister Naftali Bennett mocked opposition leader Benjamin Netanyahu as a ham-fisted showman, and the two traded barbs over their respective governments’ handling of Iranian tensions in dueling speeches to the Knesset plenum on Monday.

“Never in the history of the State of Israel has there been someone who has

Israel’s Supreme Court upholds law declaring Israel nation-state of the Jewish people

Supreme Court President Esther Hayut presides over the high court in Jerusalem, March 19, 2020. (Olivier Fitoussi/Flash90)

(JTA) — The Israeli Supreme Court upheld a controversial 2018 law that declared Israel the nation-state of the Jewish people.

In a 10-1 ruling issued Thursday, the court declared that the law was constitutional and does not negate the state’s democratic character. The lone dissenting judge was George Karra, the only Arab member of the court.

The ruling rejected several petitions claiming the law damages Israel’s democratic character by degrading the rights of its Arab minority, which makes up about a fifth of the country. The law says the right of national self-determination in Israel is

La creación del bloque China-Rusia-Irán hace inevitable la derrota del hegemonismo estadounidense

El ministro de Relaciones Exteriores iraní, Mohammad Javad Zarif (derecha), y su homólogo chino Wang Yi, posan para una foto después de firmar un acuerdo en la capital, Teherán, el 27 de marzo de 2021. - Irán y China firmaron lo que la televisión estatal llamó una "estrategia de 25 años". pacto de cooperación "hoy a medida que los rivales estadounidenses se acercan más. El acuerdo, que se ha mantenido casi en secreto, fue firmado por los ministros de Relaciones Exteriores de los dos países, Mohammad Javad Zarif y Wang Yi, informó un corresponsal de AFP. (Foto por - / AFP)

Desde que, tras la Segunda Guerra Mundial, EEUU se convirtió en una superpotencia, el punto central de su estrategia ha sido el impedir la formación de una potencia o grupo de potencias en el espacio euroasiático, que fuera capaz de

jueves, 15 de julio de 2021

Hezbollah in ‘deep crisis’ as Lebanon on verge of economic collapse

Jonathan Spyer tells JNS, “What is happening in Lebanon is what happens when a country allows itself to be taken over by a franchise of the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, with all the corruption and eventual collapse and impoverishment which follows.”

Hezbollah flags flying over southern Lebanon. Credit: John Grummitt/Shutterstock.

(July 12, 2021 / JNS) While Lebanon suffers from the worst economic crisis in its history, the Iranian terror proxy Hezbollah, which has such a heavy influence in the country, is doing everything it can to safeguard its interests during the turmoil. Still, it is in no position right now to provoke conflict with Israel, according to Israeli experts.

The Lebanese pound hit a new record low on July 8, trading at 18,150 to the dollar