domingo, 1 de febrero de 2015

WATCH: Iran Video Simulates Nuclear Attack on Israel.

The United States and other world powers are working hard to establish a nuclear agreement with Iran. Throughout this process – actually, for years – Iran has been threatening to destroy Israel. Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei even published on Twitter the plan for carrying out the sinister plan.

Nuclear Weapon Free Iran Act

This video, produced in 2014, demonstrates how Iran envisions an nuclear attack against the Jewish state. It shows Iran wiping out the Israeli Air Force, leveling entire cities, stomping over an image with the word “Holocaust” and a Jewish star, raising the flag of Palestine, taking over the Al Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem and, finally, unleashing a a devastating nuclear bomb.

It is fair to assume that the same nuclear weapons would be used on the United States and other Western countries.

We urge everyone to SHARE this video. Anyone who doubts the intentions of Iran needs to see this.

Sign the Petition to Keep the Pressure on Iran

Iran calls for the destruction of Israel, openly supporting terrorist attacks against the Jewish State, as it develops nuclear weapons in secret to carry out their final solution. We must not allow the Islamic Repulic of Iran to achieve their evil goals.

The Obama administration's easing of sanctions on Iran and the discussions to arm these Muslim extremist with nuclear capabilities puts the whole world at risk. Sign our petition demanding the US keep nukes out of Iran.

01/02/2015 en UNITED WITH ISRAEL.

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