jueves, 4 de julio de 2024

Legendary footballer, David Beckham is eligible for Israeli citizenship

Beckham, whose maternal grandfather was Jewish, is eligible for Israeli citizenship due to 'The Law of Return'.

Soccer Football - '99' World Premiere - Printworks, Manchester, Britain - May 9, 2024 Former Manchester United player David Beckham poses on the red carpet before '99' World Premiere(photo credit: REUTERS/PHIL NOBLE)

David Beckham, the iconic British soccer star, has recently come under the spotlight not just for his sports legacy but also for his potential eligibility for Israeli citizenship.

Israel to launch ground invasion of Lebanon?

Iran: 'Craving Attack Against Israel

El 2023 en 10 imágenes

¿Qué es lo que vuelve importantes unas imágenes? Es la pregunta que nos hacemos al buscar las fotos que representarán, en nuestra memoria, el año 2023.

La respuesta es: una imagen que cuenta una historia, que nos remonta al momento mismo de la noticia. Estas imágenes son fechadas después del 7 de octubre. Representan la impotencia y el dolor de todo un pueblo frente a una agresión salvaje e inesperada.

La primera foto, por ejemplo, es la de una víctima de la masacre de Hamás, Shani Louk, exhibida por las calles de Gaza, semidesnuda, un hombre sentado sobre su cintura y levantándole la cabeza al jalarle los cabellos. No sabemos si está viva o muerta pero, en su trayecto, la gente se acerca para

martes, 2 de julio de 2024

One Life – the film about Sir Nicholas Winton – opens in cinemas

Finally the movie about the miracle rescue of 669 Jewish children is here and this is their story.

Sir Anthony Hopkins as Nicholas Winton with Henrietta Garden as Vera Gissing

It is one of the most powerful scenes ever staged on British television history. It is 1988 and Esther Rantzen asks a selected crowd in the That’s Life! studio, “Can I ask, is there anyone in our audience tonight who owes their life to Nicholas Winton?” There is silence and then the entire audience stands up.

Nicholas, a quiet, stoic man, who saved 669 children through the Kindertransport scheme, is seen gently wiping away tears from both eyes as he looks from one end


El ÉXITO Empresarial en ISRAEL de una Mujer Judía ORTODOXA