sábado, 22 de octubre de 2022

Fatah, Hamas sign reconciliation deal hoping to end 15-year-long rift

Palestinian factions have been at odds since Hamas won 2006 elections, which were never recognized by the international community, and later ousted Fatah from Gaza Strip.

Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune (C) poses for photographs with Hamas chief Ismail Haniyeh (L) and Azzam al-Ahmad, a Fatah Central Committee member, in Algiers, October 12, 2022. (Algerian Presidency via AFP)

ALGIERS, Algeria — Palestinian factions signed a reconciliation deal in Algiers on Thursday, vowing to hold elections by next October in their latest attempt to end a rift that has now lasted more than 15 years.

The deal was signed by a leading figure from the Fatah party of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas and by the chief of the Hamas terror group, which rules Gaza.

But Abbas himself, president of the Palestinian Authority since 2005, was not present.

“We signed this agreement to get rid of the malignant cancer of division that has entered the Palestinian body,” said the head of the Fatah delegation, Azzam al-Ahmed.

“We are optimistic that it will be implemented and will not remain ink on paper.”

Hamas chief Ismail Haniyeh said it was “a day of joy in Palestine and Algeria and for those who love the Palestinian cause, but a day of sadness for the Zionist entity,” referring to the State of Israel.

Fatah and Hamas have been at odds since the elections in 2006, which were won by Hamas but never recognized by the international community.

The following year, the Islamist movement seized control of the Gaza Strip, forcibly ousting Fatah and beginning years of division, with Fatah administering Palestinian-run areas of the West Bank.

The first elections since the division had been set to take place last year, but were canceled by Abbas.

Algerian President Abdelaziz Tebboune, who mediated Thursday’s deal, noted in a speech at the signing ceremony in the Algerian capital’s Palace of Nations that Yasser Arafat had used the same building to announce the independence of the State of Palestine in 1988.

The deal was signed with pomp and ceremony in the presence of foreign ambassadors and a military band that played the Palestinian and Algerian national anthems.

Fatah and Hamas have signed several similar deals in the past but none has led to elections actually taking place.

Yet Thursday’s agreement is something of a diplomatic coup for Algeria, weeks before it is set to host an Arab League summit.

Algerian President Abdelmajid Tebboune waits for the arrival of the French prime minister at the presidential palace in Algiers, on October 10, 2022. (Alain JOCARD / AFP)

A major gas exporter, the North African country has received a steady stream of European leaders in recent months as it seeks to increase both energy sales and its diplomatic clout, particularly amid renewed tensions with its main rival Morocco.

Under Thursday’s “Algiers Declaration,” also signed by other major Palestinian factions, elections will take place for the presidency and for the Palestinian Legislative Council, which acts as a parliament for Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza.

It also stipulates elections for the Palestinian National Council, a parliament for Palestinians including in the millions-strong diaspora. Algeria agreed to host the Council.

There had been discussion of forming a unity government but it was not mentioned in the final document.

14/10/2022 by THE TIMES OF ISRAEL

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