miércoles, 12 de octubre de 2022

The fight against antisemitism advances in the Spanish parliament

In ACOM we wish to express our satisfaction for the enormous step taken in the fight against antisemitism yesterday, Tuesday, in the Spanish Parliament by taking into consideration for its definitive proceeding the proposal of the Assembly of the Autonomous Region of Madrid, after a text proposed by the Popular Group (centre-right) in the Assembly, to end with the public financing of antisemitism.

With the initiative of the Government of the Autonomous Region of Madrid, the regional Assembly approved in April a text (“Bill of the Assembly of the Autonomous Region of Madrid for the modification of the General Law of Subsidies 38/2003, of 27 November; of the Law of Contracts in the Public Sector 9/2017, of 8 November; and of the Organic Law regulating the Right of Association 1/2002, of 22 March, to fight against antisemitism”) that seeks to provide the fight against antisemitic activities in Spain with effective and real means.

The initiative of the Madrid Assembly was the result of the exhortation of the European Union, which reveals a serious problem of masked antisemitism. To stop it and fight it, the European Union recommends every member state to adopt and apply the definition of antisemitism given by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance. The objective of the bill is to change current legislation so that the entities that carry out discriminatory practices based on birth, race, sex, religion, opinion, or any other personal or social condition or circumstance, with special insistence in antisemitism, cannot receive public grants, contracts, or subsidies.

ACOM wants to congratulate all the parliamentary groups that today have voted in favour of the bill, showing the moral compass in the commitment against antisemitism in all its manifestations. It is worth remembering that the parliamentary group of Unidas Podemos (extreme left) and the member of parliament of the CUP (extreme left) have voted against it. The members of parliament of Junts per Catalunya (catalonian separatism) and the members of parliament of Mas País (extreme left), Íñigo Errejón and Inés Sabanés, also have not supported the text and have abstained. The members of parliament of Bildu, BNG, and ERC (separatists) didn’t even vote.

We hope that this great step taken worldwide against antisemitism stops those excluding associations and activities from receiving public subsidies and grants. For this, it is essential that in the next parliamentary step, as was previously attempted in the Madrid Assembly, this impulse against antisemitism is not delayed with amendments that dilute a real and singular problem.

05/10/2022 by ACOM

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