sábado, 5 de diciembre de 2020


Only in Israel do you uncover something like a 3,200 year old Canaanite fortress. The history in Israel is beyond fascinating!

The Canaanite Fortress and History

It is not everyday that you discover something like a Canaanite fortress. It is truly spectacular. But, in Israel, it seems to be quite often that history is uncovered and dug up. It is almost as if every piece of history for thousands of years was preserved to tell the story over the course of centuries. Think about the fact that the archaeology being uncovered is not just hundreds of years old but THOUSANDS of years old.

This fortress gives a glimpse at the geopolitical reality in the Biblical book of Shoftim, or Judges.

All the details about this fortress that are mentioned in the video are fascinating. It was such an interesting time period. And the discovery of the fortress matches up with the Bible.

Archaeology in Israel

Many archaeological discoveries are filled with answers as well as more questions. Although they leave archaeologists wondering and searching for more, the discoveries reveal unbelievable moments in history.

Israel is unlike any other country. History is a part of daily life. It affects everyone and everything. The physical dirt and ground reveal so much. But the street names do too. The names of buildings and stores. Towns and villages. They preserve the memory of everyone from ancient rabbis to Israel’s founders.

Walking through Israel is like walking through one big historical and archaeological adventure. And it is one you do not want to miss out on.

written by Leah Rosenberg

15/10/2020 by ISRAEL UNWIRED

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