jueves, 25 de agosto de 2022

Lapid destroza el Acuerdo Nuclear: «Es inaceptable»

"Si se firma un acuerdo, no obliga a Israel. Actuaremos para evitar que Irán se convierta en un estado nuclear", señaló el primer ministro.

Yair Lapid. GPO.

El primer ministro israelí, Yair Lapid, aseguró hoy que la «oferta final» que la Unión Europea (UE) ha hecho a Irán para retomar el pacto nuclear es «inaceptable» porque no evita que la república islámica se convierta en un «estado nuclear».

«Israel no está en contra de cualquier acuerdo. Estamos en contra de este acuerdo porque es malo. No se puede aceptar como está escrito ahora mismo», aseveró Lapid en una rueda de prensa con medios extranjeros en Jerusalén, cuando el anuncio de un nuevo pacto atómico con Irán parece inminente.

Como Lapid, Benjamín Netanyahu salió a criticar el acuerdo nuclear

“El terrible trato con Irán arroja una gran sombra sobre nuestra seguridad y nuestro futuro”, dijo el ex primer ministro.

Benjamín Netanyahu – Foto: Wikipedia – CC BY 2.0

El ex primer ministro Benjamín Netanyahu repitió su firme oposición a la firma del acuerdo nuclear con Irán y señaló que el nuevo acuerdo emergente es incluso peor que antes.

“El terrible trato con Irán arroja una gran sombra sobre nuestra seguridad y nuestro futuro”, dijo Netanyahu a periodistas en Tel Aviv en una conferencia de prensa.

Con la ayuda de una presentación, Netanyahu señaló tres elementos del acuerdo que son particularmente problemáticos.

Middle East peace will come despite US policy - opinion

It remains unclear as to whether the current US president will be making any meaningful contribution to Middle East peace.

THE 1993 OSLO Accords between Israel and the PLO were signed in Washington, with a beaming president Bill Clinton presiding over the White House ceremony

On July 15, at the end of his first visit to Israel as US president, Joe Biden flew to Saudi Arabia. The White House was eager to stress that it was the first direct flight of its kind, emblematic of America’s involvement in the normalization of relations between the Jewish state and the Arab world.

La Dificultad De Establecer Una OTAN En Medio Oriente Contra Irán

La última visita del Presidente de los Estados Unidos John Biden al Medio Oriente no parece haberle jugado a su favor. La debilitada imagen que dejó después de la errónea decisión de abandonar Afganistán otorgando el escenario al Talibán, y su poca intervención en el momento de defender a Ucrania frente a la invasión rusa, ha puesto en duda al resto de los países árabes moderados del Oriente Medio. Estados Unidos sigue siendo su aliado más firme pero surgen dudas sobre si realmente vale la pena crear una unión que se oponga a Irán o intentar seguir por el diálogo diplomático.

Repasaremos la opinión al respecto según los países árabes en cuestión a través de sus informes dentro de la prensa árabe, generalmente no chequeados en Occidente.

Emiratos Arabes Unidos

lunes, 22 de agosto de 2022

Israel clausura oficinas de organismos palestinos designados como grupos terroristas

Enlace Judío – Fuerzas de seguridad de Israel allanaron este jueves las oficinas en Ramallah de varios organismos palestinos que han sido designados por Jerusalén como grupos terroristas, sellando las puertas de entrada y notificándoles su clausura, informó The Times of Israel.

Israel ha dicho que los grupos son un brazo del grupo terrorista Frente Popular para la Liberación de Palestina, una afirmación que los organismos niegan.

Los organismos acusan a Israel de tratar de silenciar las críticas sobre supuestos abusos contra los derechos humanos contra los palestinos.

El miércoles por la noche, el ministro de Defensa, Benny Gantz, ratificó la decisión de octubre de 2021 de etiquetar a algunas de las organizaciones como grupos terroristas vinculados al FPLP: la Unión de Comités de Mujeres Palestinas, el Centro de Investigación y Defensa de Bisan y Addameer, que representa a los prisioneros de seguridad palestinos en Tribunales militares israelíes.

I2U2: ¿Una alineación suprarregional en proceso?

Los Acuerdos de Abraham brindan a Israel un medio para profundizar su integración en la región.

El presidente de Israel Isaac Herzog y su homólogo emiratí jeque Mohammad bin Zayed al Nahyan en Abu Dabi Foto archivo: Amos Ben Gershom / GPO vía Wikimedia Commons CC BY-SA 3.0

Sin embargo, los Acuerdos también brindan a Israel oportunidades para expandir su esfera de influencia más allá del Medio Oriente e integrarse en alineaciones suprarregionales.

Tal alineación multifacética se ha forjado entre India, Israel (I2), Estados Unidos y los Emiratos Árabes Unidos (U2).

Following Jesus in Jerusalem #5: Pool of Siloam

domingo, 21 de agosto de 2022

El autor del ataque a Rushdie se declara no culpable y seguirá en prisión

Hadi Matar elogió al Ayatolá y dijo que quiso asesinar a Rushdie por "atacar al Islam".

Salman Rushdie Foto: Abril Cabrera / Secretaria de Cultura de la Ciudad de México CC BY-SA 2.0 vía Flickr

Hadi Matar, el hombre acusado de apuñalar al escritor Salman Rushdie, se declaró este jueves no culpable de los cargos de intento de asesinato y de agresión presentados por un gran jurado del condado de Chautauqua, al noroeste del estado de Nueva York, y continuará en prisión provisional, según medios locales.

Rushdie se disponía el pasado viernes a intervenir en una conferencia literaria en esa localidad, situada a algo más de seis horas por carretera de su residencia en la ciudad de Nueva York, cuando Matar saltó al escenario y le propinó numerosas puñaladas, que estuvieron a punto de costarle la vida.

Iraq’s Garden of Eden, parched by drought, is now ‘like a desert’

Vast expanses of the once lush Huwaizah Marshes, straddling the border with Iran, have been baked dry, devastating people and wildlife.

A demonstrator approaches a boat stuck in the dried-up bank of a canal, during a rally at the Umm El Wadaa marsh, south-east of the Iraqi city of Nasiriyah in the southern Dhi Qar province, on August 16, 2022, to demand solutions for water scarcity and drought. (Asaad NIAZI / AFP)

HUWAIZAH MARSHES, Iraq (AFP) — To feed and cool his buffaloes, Hashem Gassed must cross 10 kilometers (six miles) of sunburnt land in southern Iraq, where drought is devastating swaths of the mythical Mesopotamian Marshes.

The reputed home of the biblical Garden of Eden, Iraq’s swamplands have been battered by three years of drought and low rainfall, as well as reduced water flows along rivers and tributaries originating in neighboring Turkey and Iran.

Lapid: Europe and the US feel there will be no return to Iran deal

PM says he told Macron there must be credible threat against Tehran, presented intelligence on Hezbollah attacks.

France's President Emmanuel Macron (L) and Prime Minister Yair Lapid speak at the Elysee Palace in Paris, July 5, 2022 (Amos Ben Gershom/GPO)

PARIS — In his meeting Tuesday with France’s President Emmanuel Macron, Prime Minister Yair Lapid stressed the importance of a credible military threat in order to push Iran into a nuclear deal that is acceptable to Israel.

“Our claim is that if Iran won’t agree to this deal, they won’t agree to anything without a credible military threat,” Lapid told Israeli reporters in Paris after the meeting.

sábado, 20 de agosto de 2022

Inflation and housing prices continue to climb, breaking new records

July increase in consumer price index brings Israel’s yearly inflation rate to 5.2%; housing prices jump by 17.8%, the highest in over a decade.

A construction site for new housing in the southern Israeli city of Beersheba on July 28, 2022. (Nati Shohat/Flash90)

Inflation and housing prices in Israel are rising faster than seen for many years, according to new official figures released Monday, continuing a worrying trend for the economy.

Israel’s Consumer Price Index (CPI) rose an unexpected 1.1% in July and an annual 5.2% compared to July 2021, the fastest yearly rate in 14 years, according to the latest report published by the Central Bureau of Statistics. The inflation rate is well beyond the upper range of 3% forecasted by the Bank of Israel.

Following Jesus in Jerusalem #4: Dominus Flevit

Israel y Turquía restablecen completamente sus relaciones diplomáticas

La última vez que Israel y Turquía tuvieron embajadores en sus respectivos países fue en mayo de 2018.

Herzog y Erdogan. Foto: Creative Commons

Turquía e Israel decidieron restablecer plenamente sus relaciones diplomáticas tras un proceso de acercamiento que terminó con años de tensa relación, informó este miércoles el gobierno israelí.

«Se decidió elevar de nuevo el nivel de las relaciones entre los dos países al de lazos diplomáticos plenos y devolver los embajadores y cónsules generales de los dos países», indicó la oficina del primer ministro en funciones de Israel, Yair Lapid.

viernes, 19 de agosto de 2022

The Israeli university that wants to draw Jews, Arabs and Ethiopians closer together

More Arab-Israelis are calling themselves Palestinians and that is a sign they feel more secure as Israeli citizens, says Hebrew University's Mona Khoury-Kassabri.

Arab Israeli students at the campus of Givat Ram at Hebrew University (Photo: Alamy)

Few would argue Israel is not a demographically diverse country.

Gone are the days when one of two camps, Jewish or Arab, was considered enough to determine what kind of an Israeli citizen you are.

These days the phrase is “cultural kaleidoscope”, although a bit of a cliché, is more appropriate to explain how this is a country that is home to a mix of ethnicities and cultures.

El último estado del Golfo en normalizar las relaciones con Israel

Kuwait prohíbe la entrada de productos israelíes, existe una prohibición de entrada para personas con pasaportes israelíes, e incluso aquellos cuyos pasaportes han sido sellados en Israel no pueden ingresar al país.

Kuwait Foto ilustración: Jan Dommerholt vía Unsplash

¿Por qué Kuwait es el último estado del Golfo en normalizar sus relaciones con Israel?

Los informes en los medios israelíes sobre la posibilidad de que Arabia Saudita tome medidas hacia Israel requerirán discusión en Kuwait, un emirato pequeño pero rico que no suele aparecer en los titulares en Israel.

En general, la actitud de los estados del Golfo hacia Israel es dinámica, con

Erdogan: ¿Volviendo a su antiguo yo?

El presidente de Turquía, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, criticó duramente a Israel a principios de esta semana por dañar a civiles en Gaza, incluidos "bebés recién nacidos", y dijo que [la mezquita de] al-Aqsa es una línea roja para los musulmanes.
Por la Dra. Gallia Lindenstrauss y Remi Daniel

Recep Tayyip Erdogan Foto: Kremlin.ru CC BY 4.0 vía Wikimedia Commons

Aunque Erdogan ya ha hecho muchos comentarios similares en el pasado. en el contexto de las operaciones militares de Israel en Gaza, así como cuando aumentaron las tensiones en Jerusalén, esta declaración contrasta con su relativa moderación durante el Ramadán de este año.

jueves, 18 de agosto de 2022

Boson Energy de Israel cosecha hidrógeno de basura no reciclable

Una tonelada de desechos destinados al vertedero puede producir suficiente gas para reemplazar cinco barriles y medio de petróleo crudo.

Boson Energy planea recolectar hidrógeno del vertedero. Foto: Mariia Kamenska/Pexels.com

Tal como lo explica Jan Grimbrandt, director ejecutivo de la startup Boson Energy, la producción local de hidrógeno económico con emisiones negativas de carbono a partir de desechos domésticos, médicos y agrícolas tiene mucho valor desde el punto de vista financiero y ambiental.

“En la actualidad, los residuos se ven como un valor negativo en términos del clima y la economía. Pero la biomasa y los flujos de desechos son en gran medida

Ambassador David Friedman: Israel must ‘grow up’ and decide its eastern border

“Ultimately, without the application of sovereignty, at least in portions of Judea and Samaria, they’ll never be a resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict,” he told JNS.

Former U.S. Ambassador to Israel David Friedman gives the keynote speech at the Conservatism Conference in Jerusalem on May 26, 2022. Photo by David Isaac.

(May 26, 2022 / JNS) Israel and Israel alone can make decisions fateful to its future, and it can start with reaching clarity about its eastern border, said former U.S. Ambassador to Israel David Friedman at the second Israeli Conservatism Conference, which took place in Jerusalem on Thursday.

Israel should base its policies “upon a national consensus as to what is in its best interest” and then defend that policy “without condition or apology,” he said.

'Whose Land?' Amid Dueling Narratives, New Film Explores Israel's Historical, Legal Claim

miércoles, 17 de agosto de 2022

Who speaks for the Arab world about Israel?

Signs of support for coexistence continue to appear. But the Israel-bashing at a U.N. Security Council debate is a reminder that full acceptance is not here yet.

A view of the Security Council meeting on the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question. On the screen is Tor Wennesland, Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process. Credit: U.N. Photo/Loey Felipe.

(August 12, 2022 / JNS) Which of these two things is more important when it comes to gauging Arab acceptance of Israel? Is it a Saudi social-media influencer making a viral video playing the Israeli national anthem “Hatikvah” on the oud? Or is it the speech made earlier this week by the Egyptian ambassador to the United Nations denouncing the Jewish state and speaking of Palestinian “martyrs” even after his own government had helped broker a ceasefire between Jerusalem and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad terror group?

Tisha veAv: Revelan pruebas arqueológicas de las batallas que condujeron a la destrucción del Segundo Templo

La nueva investigación informática del arqueólogo de la Autoridad de Antigüedades de Israel, Kfir Arbiv, proporcionó cálculos balísticos del campo de batalla de 2.000 años de antigüedad.

Kfir Arbiv, director de excavaciones de la Autoridad de Antigüedades de Israel, limpia una piedra de balista en las excavaciones del recinto ruso. Foto: YOLI SCHWARTZ/ISRAEL ANTIQUITIES AUTHORITY

La Autoridad de Antigüedades de Israel presentó los resultados de un nuevo proyecto de investigación. El mismo arroja luz sobre el poder del ejército romano y los puntos de su ataque a Jerusalén en la batalla que condujo a la destrucción del Segundo Templo.

US, UK affirm Israel's right to self-defense as UNSC set to meet on Gaza

US Senator Bob Menendez, UK Foreign Secretary Liz Truss and other officials issued statements supporting Israel's right to defend itself.

Rockets are fired by Palestinian militants into Israel, amid Israel-Gaza fighting, in Gaza, August 6, 2022.     (photo credit: REUTERS/IBRAHEEM ABU MUSTAFA)

The United States and the United Kingdom affirmed Israel's right to protect its citizens from Gaza rockets, as the United Nations Security Council prepared to meet Monday to discuss the escalation in cross-border violence between the IDF and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad.

"In light of the concerning developments" in Gaza the United Arab Emirates along with France, Ireland, Norway and China "called for a closed meeting to be held on Monday 8th of August," the UAE's mission tweeted on Saturday night.

martes, 16 de agosto de 2022

Hamas has an Islamic Jihad problem in the Gaza Strip - analysis

It's obvious that the Palestinian Islamic Jihad has become a major threat not only to Israel but to Hamas as well.

Palestinian Hamas militants take part in an anti-Israel rally in Gaza City May 22, 2021     (photo credit: REUTERS/MOHAMMED SALEM)

Regardless of how and when the current round of fighting ends, it’s clear that the Iranian-backed Islamic Jihad organization has managed to reassert its status as the second largest and most influential terror group in the Gaza Strip.

It’s also obvious that Islamic Jihad has become a major threat not only to Israel, but to Hamas as well. Similarly, it has also become a real threat to the Palestinian Authority, especially in the northern West Bank.

Netanyahu arremete contra coalición de Lapid tras operación en Gaza

Enlace Judío – El ex primer ministro y líder de la oposición israelí, Benjamín Netanyahu, manifestó un mensaje en video tras la culminación de la Operación Alot Hashajar en la Franja de Gaza en la que arremetió contra la coalición política que lo sacó del poder.

“Felicito al gobierno, al Shin Bet y a nuestros queridos soldados de las FDI por otra operación exitosa en contra del terrorismo en Gaza.

“En la lucha contra el terrorismo todos estamos unidos. No hay oposición, no hay coalición”, expresó el mandatario al inicio de su mensaje.

No obstante, el exmandatario pasó a sugerir que si la coalición de gobierno de Yair Lapid y Naftali Bennett no hubiera colapsado, una operación de esta magnitud hubiera sido imposible de realizar.

Despite ‘Fragile’ Truce, Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Remains, Requiring 2-state Solution, UN Envoy Tells Security Council

Tor Wennesland, the UN’s special coordinator for the Middle East peace process, called on Monday for talks on a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. 

Wennesland told the Security Council that the recent exchange of airstrikes and rocket-fire between Israeli military forces and Palestinian armed groups, primarily Islamic Jihad, was a deeply worrying escalation and that the cease-fire declared on Sunday night was fragile. 

While the de-escalation, facilitated by Egyptian mediation, prevented the outbreak of a full-scale war and facilitated the delivery of humanitarian aid to the people of Gaza on Monday, the roots of the conflict remain. “I want to make the council

lunes, 15 de agosto de 2022

Charedi women bring the horrors of Auschwitz to new audiences through VR

A Triumph of Spirit is an immersive film that offers 360-degree views of the interior of the death camp while a historian guides the viewer around.

A Triumph of Spirit is an immersive film that offers 360-degree views of the interior of Auschwitz while a historian guides the viewer around.

For many young Israelis, a trip to Poland to visit the Auschwitz concentration camp is an experience that shapes their adult lives and puts their very existence in context.

Miriam Cohen could not go. She felt left out, and wanted to do something about it.

Low voter turnout projected among Arab Israelis amid frustration, party squabbles

Pollsters predict just 40% of Arabs will cast ballots in November vote, a 25-point drop from 2020 elections; widespread disappointment with Ra’am, Joint List seen as cause.

Ra'am party chief Mansour Abbas (L) speaks with his party MK Mazen Ghanaim (R) during a Knesset discussion on a bill to renew the application of some Israeli law to settlers, June 6, 2022. (Yonatan Sindel/Flash90)

As the public stares down its fifth elections in three and half years, widespread voter apathy is likely to again keep many Arab Israelis at home in November, pollsters and analysts said.

Two years ago, the four Arab parties rode a wave of high turnout — 65 percent of eligible Arab voters — to a record 15 seats in the Knesset. But the last two tempestuous years in Israeli politics have left both the Joint List bloc and the Islamist Ra’am party deeply battered.

‘Full support’: Opposition’s Netanyahu, Smotrich back Gaza op; Joint List slams it

Arab MKs lambaste ‘war crimes’ in the Strip, but other politicians strongly approve of military offensive after days of Islamic Jihad threats to South.

Opposition leader Benjamin Netanyahu during an inauguration ceremony for a new neighborhood in Beit El, in the West Bank, July 12, 2022. (Sraya Diamant/ Flash90)

Israeli politicians from almost all the way across the political spectrum voiced their support Friday for the Israeli military operation launched in the Gaza Strip, among them Prime Minister Yair Lapid’s top rivals in the opposition.

Opposition leader Benjamin Netanyahu focused his support on the security forces rather than the government, tweeting: “I offer my backing to the IDF and our security forces. We love you and pray for your success.”

domingo, 14 de agosto de 2022

Israel needs to change its strategy against Hamas - opinion

We need new rules of engagement that won’t wait until there is a reason to shoot and worry about the response.

PRIME MINISTER Naftali Bennett says ‘Our new rule is, whoever sends attackers, pays.’ While this sounds tough, it’s still a reactive statement of intent, says the writer. (photo credit: YONATAN SINDEL/FLASH90)

There is arguably no greater symbol of Israel’s reluctance to go on the military offensive than the Hamas observation and sniper tower which overlooks the Israeli community of Netiv Ha’asara.

Jewish organization presents Pope Francis with Hitler’s 1919 antisemitic document

A delegation from the Simon Weisenthal Center presented Pope Francis with a facsimile of an original document by Adolf Hitler openly espousing the destruction of the Jewish people.

Pope Francis attends the 10th World Meeting of Families at the Vatican, June 22, 2022.     (photo credit: VATICAN MEDIA/HANDOUT VIA REUTERS)

A 30-member Simon Wiesenthal Center delegation presented Pope Francis with a facsimile of an original report authored and signed by Adolf Hitler, in which he openly espouses the destruction of the Jewish people by “a government of national strength.”

The Tragic History of the Jews of Spain

A comprehensive overview of the persecution, scholarship and expulsion of the Jews of Spain.

The settlement of Jews in the Iberian Peninsula is very ancient. Don Isaac Abarbanel, the 15th-century leader of Spanish Jewry, wrote that Babylonian conqueror Nebuchadnezzar brought Jews to Spain as slaves after the First Temple’s destruction.

The earliest documented history of Spanish Jewry dates back at least 2,000 years to when the Romans destroyed the Second Temple in Jerusalem and took tens of thousands of Jews with them back to Europe, some of whom settled in Spain. Very little is known regarding these early Jewish settlements.

sábado, 13 de agosto de 2022

Ruta por la España judía

Aunque la presencia judía es significativa en numerosas ciudades de España, o Sefarad, como la llamaban los judíos, hemos seleccionado algunas poblaciones.

Calle de la Judería de Hervás. – Foto: Wikipedia – CC BY-SA 3.0 es

Estas contaban con algunas de las juderías más importantes de la época medieval.


First Lebanon War still resonates in Israel 40 years later

While the war was not a military failure, it was a trauma: “This was the first time that a big part of the nation did not see the war as justified.”

ISRAEL AIR Force helicopter ferries supplies to an IDF encampment during Israel’s Peace for Galilee military campaign, June 1982, south of Lebanon’s Beirut-Damascus highway.     (photo credit: Yoel Kantor/GPO via Getty Images)

Think of the wars, military campaigns and events that transformed Israel, and certain ones automatically pop into mind.

The 1948-1949 War of Independence, obviously. Without the David over Goliath victory in that war, there would be no Jewish state.

Pide Macron a Lapid revitalizar proceso de paz israelí palestino

Enlace Judío – Yair Lapid tiene el potencial de hacer una paz histórica con los palestinos, dijo el presidente francés Emmanuel Macron durante la visita del primer ministro israelí al Palacio del Elíseo este martes, informó The Jerusalem Post.

Macron pidió “un regreso al diálogo político entre palestinos e israelíes”. “Sé que puede tener una figura histórica al lanzar un proceso que ha estado detenido durante tanto tiempo”, dijo Macron al mandatario israelí.

Refiriéndose a la amistad de larga data entre los líderes, el presidente francés agregó: “Sé por experiencia personal que usted puede ser esa figura. Tiene la agenda; tiene el compromiso con la paz”.

Lapid evitó mencionar a los palestinos en sus comentarios, centrándose en cambio en el programa nuclear iraní y las amenazas de Hezbolá contra una instalación estratégica israelí.

viernes, 12 de agosto de 2022

Hussein al-Sheikh officially appointed Palestinian Authority’s No. 2 man

Ahead of the U.S. president’s upcoming Middle East trip, P.A. leader Mahmoud Abbas appoints senior Fatah official to roles of PLO secretary-general and head of PLO negotiating team.

Palestinian Minister Hussein al-Sheikh in Ramallah, July 24, 2021. Photo: Flash90

(June 26, 2022 / Israel Hayom) Palestinian Authority Civil Affairs Minister Hussein al-Sheikh has been appointed secretary-general of the PLO and head of the PLO negotiating team. Thanks to these two appointments, al-Sheikh is now the No.2 in the Palestinian leadership, boosting his chances of being made P.A. chairman.

The list of appointments for the PLO Executive Committee, one of the most influential institutions in the Palestinian political system, was published in Ramallah on Saturday.

Antes era un problema: científicos israelíes ya pueden acumular energía solar también de noche

La energía solar se ha expandido en el mundo por ser energía limpia, económica y adquirible en el tiempo. Durante años se fueron renovando los sistemas de almacenamiento de la energía conservada (se diseñaron decenas de baterías de diferentes materiales y tipos) e incluso los nuevos modelos de paneles solares han resuelto el problema de […]

Tel Aviv – Foto: embassies.gov.il

La energía solar se ha expandido en el mundo por ser energía limpia, económica y adquirible en el tiempo. Durante años se fueron renovando los sistemas de

Ahead of Biden Mideast trip, Iran nuclear deal looms large

US president to blend diplomacy and deterrence in approach to Iran, region.

Iran's Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian (L) meets Josep Borell, the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy (R), as Deputy Secretary General of the European External Action Service (EEAS) Enrique Mora (C) looks on, at the foreign ministry headquarters in Iran's capital Tehran on June 25, 2022. - ATTA KENARE/AFP via Getty Images

Washington builds on regional support for its agenda

US President Joe Biden’s trip to the Middle East next week will set the context for what will likely be the final round, or rounds, of indirect talks with Iran to agree on restarting the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).

The indirect talks on the Iran nuclear deal in Doha between US and Iranian officials, brokered by EU Iran envoy Enrique Mora, are increasingly complemented by a

jueves, 11 de agosto de 2022

Lipstadt to 'Post': In Saudi Arabia, 'I saw movement in the right direction'

“I'm not naive to think everything is all solved and everything is terrific, but I saw that,” Lipstadt said of her trip to Saudi Arabia.

US Antisemitism Envoy Deborah Lipstadt.
(photo credit: MARC ISRAEL SELLEM)

Deborah Lipstadt, the US Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat antisemitism says she was impressed with Saudi Arabia’s efforts to address antisemitism. In an interview with The Jerusalem Post, the Special Envoy spoke about global trends of antisemitism and warned that we are witnessing a “perfect storm,” as antisemitism is coming from both the far left and the far right simultaneously.

3,500-year-old stone is inscribed with curse on Jerusalem governor, claims professor

Expert claims to decipher ancient script on tablet he believes was used in voodoo ceremony; Antiquities Authority awaits further ‘scientific research and publication’.

A 3,500-year-old stone tablet discovered in the City of David, Jerusalem in 2010. (Courtesy of Institute for Biblical Studies and Ancient History)

A professor at the University of Haifa claimed on Wednesday that he had deciphered a 3,500-year-old stone tablet discovered in Jerusalem more than a decade ago, contending that the artifact’s inscription was a curse against the city’s governor at the time.

If the finding is confirmed, it is among the earliest inscriptions discovered to date in Jerusalem.

How to End Israel’s Political Instability

For the past three and a half years, dysfunctional politics have rendered Israel hard-pressed to identify and seize opportunities or respond adequately to rising threats, whether they emanate from Tehran, Washington, Europe, Saudi Arabia or beyond.

Last Thursday, the Bennett-Lapid government dissolved Israel’s parliament, the Knesset, setting elections for November 1. Prime Minister Naftali Bennett resigned from the premiership after a year in office and announced he would not run in the coming elections. Foreign Minister Yair Lapid stepped in to serve as interim prime minister. These will be Israel’s fifth elections in three and a half years.

miércoles, 10 de agosto de 2022

American Zionist Movement given special advisory status at United Nations

Organization president Deborah Isaac wrote that the designation will offer a platform “from which to move the discussion of Zionism and support for Israel in the U.N. from a negative to a positive.”

Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations Gilad Erdan. Credit: Courtesy of AZM.

(August 4, 2022 / JNS) The American Zionist Movement has been given special consultative NGO status at the U.N. Economic and Social Council on Wednesday, according to a news release.

AZM president Deborah Isaac wrote that the designation, which gives it an advisory role to the council and will give AZM a platform “from which to move the discussion of Zionism and support for Israel in the U.N. from a negative to a positive.”

Estados Unidos e Irán envían delegaciones a Viena por el Acuerdo Nuclear

La capital austríaca será la sede de las renovadas charlas para revivir el acuerdo entre el régimen iraní y Occidente.

Hotel Palais Coburg de Viena, donde se desarrollan las conversaciones nucleares Foto: Thomas Ledl Wikimedia Commons CC BY-SA 3.0

El enviado de EE.UU. para Irán, Robert Malley, anunció este miércoles su regreso a Viena para revivir el pacto nuclear con Irán, aunque avisó que su país tiene unas expectativas «contenidas» ante unas negociaciones paralizadas desde hace meses.

En un mensaje en Twitter, Malley añadió no obstante que Estados Unidos «agradece los esfuerzos de la Unión Europea y está preparado para un intento de buena fe destinado a llegar a un acuerdo». «En breve quedará claro si Irán está preparado para hacer lo mismo», dijo Malley, que lidera el equipo negociador de EE.UU..