sábado, 15 de julio de 2017

Lighting a Fire in the Darkness

Dear friend,

We in Christians United for Israel have demonstrated that the Christian community is a powerful source of support for the Jewish State. Unfortunately, not all Christians share our views on Israel. In fact, major Christian denominations have gone out of their way to criticize Israel and even divest their funds from companies doing business with Israel. These anti-Israel denominations tend to embrace a replacement theology that suggests that God is finished with the Jewish people and that Israel has zero Biblical significance.

But even within these difficult denominations there are brave pastors who know the truth about Israel and want to fight back. Reverend Kenneth Larter is one example of a pastor who refuses to be silent. His denomination, the Presbyterian Church USA, has made moves to divest from Israel and regularly criticizes Israel in its church courts. With Reverend Larter's help, CUFI is finally connecting with PCUSA pastors and bringing them to Israel for a life-changing encounter.

A trip to Israel with CUFI lit a fire inside of Reverend Larter. It motivated him to act on his love for Israel like never before. Since his return he's been working to change the hearts and minds of leaders of his domination. He helped CUFI recruit for and lead our first Israel trip for PCUSA pastors so that they could enjoy the same life-changing experience. Our first PCUSA mission was so successful that we're currently working with trip alumni to organize our second PCUSA mission to Israel!

Reverend Larter helped CUFI light a fire in the darkness. We hope this fire will spread throughout the PCUSA denomination as these pastors share their newfound Zionism with their congregations and peers. We need more allies like Reverend Larter, and we have found the best way to light this fire in someone's heart is to bring them to Israel.

Please help us bring more pastors to Israel. With your help, we can change the way millions of Christians feel about Israel. Every pastor CUFI introduces to Israel is a critical ally as we work to make Israel stronger and her people safer. 


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