sábado, 28 de septiembre de 2019

Ben Shapiro reveals the secret of why Jews are so successful

What is the secret of success? How has Ben Shapiro become so successful? Throughout the ages, Jews have appeared to be very successful and stand out, especially in relation to their small population. How do they succeed?

Ben’s Answer to the Secret of Success

Ben Shapiro, when asked this question, said it was due to literacy. As a result of literacy they excelled in academics and succeeded. Historically speaking, Jews have especially placed emphasis on reading, such as the Torah and Talmud. That value continued through to school and college, as Jews were highly motivated to value and excel in education. This has led to successful people.

Nobel Prize – proof of success

And the proof is in the pudding. An rather large amount of Nobel Prize laureates and winners have been Jewish. More than 10 prizes in Literature have been won by Jews. And more than 30 Chemistry prizes have been awarded to Jews. For the field of medicine, more that 50 Jews have been awarded the Nobel prize.

Yet it’s not just Jews

Individuals or cultures that focus on academics attain success. It starts with a focus on academics. The students enjoy their studies. And want to succeed. They want to learn about many topics, and research concepts. The students also make projects in school. The excel, therefore their grades reflect it. When they enter the real world, they succeed. In opposite to this, there are people who have no college education, but succeeded nonetheless. Yet they did have motivation were driven to succeed. So perhaps another factor is motivation and creativity. A person can always be aware of his potential while reaching for the sky. Because it’s important to know who we are, but don’t let that limit us. When we reach for the sky, we can land on the moon. Who knows the precise secret for success, but Ben defiantly has a good point that many people will agree with.

26/09/2019 by ISRAEL UNWIRED

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