miércoles, 15 de septiembre de 2021

10 great reasons to love the pomegranate

Pomegranates add color and symbolism to the Rosh Hashanah table décor, but they are also extremely good for your health.

Pomegranates in Kfar Achim on Sept. 8, 2019. Photo by Mila Aviv/Flash90.

(September 2, 2021 / Israel21c) Coaxing the edible seeds out of a pomegranate is a popular how-to topic. Some swear by the whack-with-a-wooden-spoon method; others massage out those ruby-red arils in a bowl of water to keep things neat.

Any way you choose to undertake this task, it’s worth your effort. And not only because the juicy seeds add visual flair and a sweet-tart pop to a variety of dishes.

The main reason it’s worth risking stained fingers and countertops: Pomegranates have almost unbelievable healing and health-protective properties.

The regal-looking fruit ripens on Israeli trees just in time for the Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashanah. Farms from north to south produce around 40,000 tons of fresh pomegranates every year, about half for export.

You can use it as a pretty centerpiece and serve the juicy seeds for a nutritious cocktail of antioxidants, minerals and vitamins, including C, E, K and B9 (folate).

Here are 10 reasons to put pomegranates on your plate.

Pomegranates in the Shuk HaCarmel, Tel Aviv, June 2, 2019. Photo by Anna Wachspress.

1. Pomegranates protect your cardiovascular system.

Professor Michael Aviram from Haifa’s Rambam Medical Center was the first to discover that powerful flavonoid antioxidants in pomegranates help prevent atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), the leading cause of cardiovascular disease.

He also found that drinking pomegranate juice for a year reduced study participants’ systolic blood pressure by 12 percent. (If you are on blood pressure and cholesterol medications like statins, consult your doctor before drinking pomegranate juice.)

2. Pomegranates vs. diabetes.

Another study led by Aviram showed that pomegranate juice may be beneficial for people with diabetes because its natural sugar isn’t “free” but is firmly attached to its antioxidants and therefore does not cause blood sugar to spike. This feature may help decrease insulin resistance and lower blood sugar. This could be why pomegranates have long been used as a remedy for diabetes in the Middle East and India.

3. Pomegranates protect your brain.

Israeli pomegranate-sourced punicic acid is the active ingredient in GranaGard, a brain-protective food supplement invented by experimental neurologist Ruth Gabizon from Hadassah-Hebrew University Medical Center in Jerusalem, and Hebrew University nanotechnology expert Shlomo Magdassi.

An Israeli study last year proved GranaGard significantly improved cognitive function in multiple sclerosis patients experiencing cognitive difficulties associated with the disease. While nerve cell damage is irreversible, GranaGard seems to prevent or slow neurodegeneration and reduce symptoms caused by neurodegenerative diseases or aging.

A pomegranate orchard in Kfar Achim on Sept. 8, 2019. Photo by Mila Aviv/Flash90.

4. Pomegranates keep you looking young.

In Chinese medicine, pomegranate juice is a longevity treatment. The secret here is probably the fruit’s punicic acid, a rare omega-5 conjugated fatty acid that has been shown to improve skin tone and elasticity.

Clinical studies suggest that by eating a pomegranate, or by using skin-care products that include it, pomegranate extracts protect skin from UV damage, lessen sun-induced “age spots” and reduce symptoms of inflammatory skin conditions such as acne and eczema.

5. Pomegranates protect unborn babies.

Infection, inflammation, or a combination of both, in a mother’s womb can lead to neurological damage in the infant. Researchers from Rambam Medical Center and Technion–Israel Institute of Technology found that drinking pomegranate juice during pregnancy can reduce the risk of inflammation in the womb and inflammation-induced fetal brain injury. Once again, this effect is due to the fruit’s strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

“This is the first study of its kind aiming to understand how to use the pomegranate, which has known health benefits, to prevent a problem that, under certain conditions, passes from mother to child,” said co-author Ze’ev Wiener, chief of OB/GYN at Rambam.

The Rambam and Technion pomegranate juice researchers, from left: Top row, Dr. Nizar Khatib, Professor Zeev Wiener, Dr. Yuval Ginsburg; bottom row, Dr. Noor Saadi and Professor Ron Beloosesky. Photo by Pioter Fliter.

6. Pomegranates protect your teeth.

A dental study in India showed that rinsing the mouth with pomegranate juice decreased colony-forming units of dental plaque microorganisms by 32 percent. This indicates that pomegranates could help prevent tooth decay and gum disease.

7. Pomegranates may keep you trim.

Many studies have explored the effects of pomegranate extracts in fighting obesity. According to one such study, the fat-reduction effects are related to the fruit’s anthocyanins, tannins and strong antioxidants.

8. Pomegranates ease digestive ills.

Pomegranate seeds are known to alleviate a range of problems in the digestive tract, including stomachaches and hemorrhoids. Pomegranate rind tea helps treat diarrhea, dysentery, mouth sores and throat irritation. Pomegranate bark tea can rid the body of intestinal parasites. And pomegranate juice may be beneficial for people with inflammatory bowel diseases.

A pomegranate orchard in Kfar Achim. Photo by Mila Aviv/Flash90.

9. Pomegranates boost sports endurance and performance.

Various studies indicate that drinking pomegranate juice enhances endurance, strength performance and post-workout recovery due to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. It was found helpful in reducing muscle soreness and increasing blood flow in exercisers as well.

10. Pomegranates will get even better in the future.

The Israeli government’s Agricultural Research Organization-Volcani Center has been researching pomegranates for 40 years.

Doron Holland, head of the Volcani Center’s Fruit Tree Sciences Unit, studies pomegranate metabolites and genetics, and uses his findings to breed (not genetically engineer) cultivars that can grow in desert conditions and produce fruit that matures earlier and have enhanced color and taste.

“We are working hard on raising the nutritional value of pomegranates,” he said. “Our work is focused on the genetic control of metabolites with anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant content.”

This article was first published by Israel21c.

02/09/2021 by JNS

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