viernes, 20 de junio de 2014

Record numbers of Brazil’s Jews make Aliyah.

The number of new immigrants to Israel rose to just over 3,600 in the first three months of this year, a 14% rise on the same period in 2013. Recently published Israeli government statistics suggested the largest wave of people came from Russia, France and the US, with about third of those applying for permanent citizenship after entering on tourist visas. Major factors behind French Jews' decision to pack their bags are thought to include rising anti-Semitism, bleak economic conditions and the success of Jewish Agency programs in attracting young people to the Jewish state. The data though also showed a growing trend of Aliyah by smaller, less well known community of Jews. 
Record numbers of Brazil’s Jews make Aliyah

In Brazil! Over 80 Jews from the land of samba, football, carnival and The Amazon and have chosen to exchange all of that, for this: a better life in Israel. It's an increase of more than 100% from 2013. People who've already made the long haul flight said safety and the opportunity to be closer to the Jewish religion were some reasons for the move, according to Israeli news site Ynet. In the run up to this year's football World Cup, Brazil has faced numerous problems of strikes, violence and looting.

Over 100,000 Jews are estimated to live in Brazil, with a big chunk of those living in the city of Sao Paulo. More than 11,000 people have made Aliyah from Brazil to Israel since the Jewish state was established in 1948. Jews who choose to remain continue to make significant contributions to the country’s vibrant arts, culture and business scene.

21/04/2014 in JN1.TV

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