jueves, 25 de septiembre de 2014

CUFI: Rosh Hashanah.

We fervently pray that this Rosh HaShanah our friends in Israel will eat apples and honey in their dining rooms and not their bomb shelters.

Dear friend, Rosh Hashanah-the Jewish New Year- begins tonight at sundown. Rosh Hashanah is a celebration filled with thanksgiving and rejoicing. A festive meal is prepared which includes apples and honey, symbolizing Jewish prayers for a sweet New Year.

Israel's enemies had other plans for this Rosh Hashanah. Hamas was planning to start this New Year with a bloody massacre. We thank God that during the recent war with Hamas, the Israeli Defense Forces discovered and thwarted Hamas' evil plot to send hundreds of terrorists into Israel through over 30 "terror tunnels" to murder and kidnap Israelis throughout southern Israel.

On Sunday night, a second Rosh HaShanah terror plot was foiled. That night, seven terrorists were arrested after Israeli intelligence learned of their plan to attack Jewish communities in the Gush Etzion region during the observance of Rosh Hashanah. The suspects were caught with a large supply of ammunition and knives.

It is our fervent prayer that during Rosh Hashanah our friends in Israel will enjoy their apples and honey in their dining rooms and not their bomb shelters. Yet even if this holiday passes in peace, we all know that the coming year is going to be one filled with great challenges for Israel. We must work harder than ever to defend the State of Israel in our communities, our churches and on America's campuses across the country, as well as in our nation's capital.

We cannot do this alone! We must have the continued support of partners like you to meet this great challenge! Help us make this Rosh Hashanah a much sweeter year for our Jewish friends with your prayers, your actions and your financial support. We ask that you help us to stand with Israel like never before-together we can accomplish great things with the blessings of God!

Thank you for joining us in wishing our Jewish friends a Shana Tova! (Happy New Year).
Pastor John Hagee
National Chairman 
David Brog
Executive Director

24/09/2014 en CUFI.

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